Tag: Zuckerberg

Pennsylvania House Advances Bill Preventing Private Election Funds

Did Facebook money pay for training election staff at your polling place? In Pennsylvania, it depends on the county where you voted. Now, Republican lawmakers aim to end that practice through House Bill 2044, sponsored by state Rep. Eric Nelson. It amends the Pennsylvania Election Code to prohibit county boards of election and the secretary…

Facebook Is Rebuked by Oversight Board Over Transparency

Facebook’s Oversight Board offered strong words in a quarterly report released Thursday that called out the company for not revealing information about its new XCheck program for VIP users, designed to better protect celebrities, journalists, and human rights activists. The board, developed in the aftermath of the Jan. 6 Capitol protest that led to Facebook’s…

Fauci and the Media Have Serious Blood on Their Hands Over COVID

Donald Trump did many good things as president, but he didn’t always choose the best people to work with or for him. (Omarosa and “The Mooch”?) If he wins a second term, he would be well-advised to bear in mind the old saw “Flattery will get you nowhere.” But I don’t blame Trump for the…

Zuckerberg Shows Grudging Recognition of Facebook’s Need for Freedom

Commentary “Shut up, he explained.” The most famous quotation from the works of Ring Lardner (1885–1933) originally appeared in his comic novel of 1920, “The Young Immigrunts.” (Many of Lardner’s comic effects were achieved by deliberate misspellings.) For a century the quotation’s frequent citation in the works of others suggested that this was the best…

Australian PM: Facebook Has ‘Friended Us Again’

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison says Facebook has “friended us again” and talks have resumed after the social media giant accidentally shut public information accounts. Morrison says he’s glad Facebook is “back at the table” for discussions over the Australian government’s media bargaining code, jesting the US tech giant has “tentatively friended us again.” However,…