Tag: wokism

10 Reasons Why Affirmative Action Died

Commentary The end of affirmative action was inevitable. The only surprise was that such intentions gone terribly wrong lasted so long. First, supporters of racial preferences always pushed back the goal posts for the program’s success. Was institutionalized reverse bias to last 20 years, 60 years, or ad infinitum? Parity became defined as an absolute…

Universities Not Preparing Young People for the Workplace, Say Business Leaders

Most UK business leaders believe that universities do not prepare graduates for the workplace, according to a survey. Among the 600 UK business leaders interviewed for the survey conducted by tech start-up Multiverse, 70 percent do not believe the current higher education system delivers the skills needed for the workforce. UK universities are not offering…

The House GOP Effort to Defund—Not Police, but Wokeness

News Analysis Through executive orders and budget requests, the Biden administration has sought to embed “diversity, equity, and inclusion” principles across the entirety of the federal government—and in turn to touch the lives of every American. Now members of the Republican House majority, who see this whole-of-government effort as a woke assault on America and its core values, are…

Radio Host Sues Bell Media for Firing Him for ‘Not Being Woke Enough’

Former Bell Media radio host Jamil Jivani is taking the company to court, saying that he was fired for not subscribing to certain political or social views on racial identity and that he was not “woke” enough. “Many of you have heard about what transpired when Bell Media fired me in January. Well, now it’s…

Good News: Conservatives Using Their Wallets to Defeat Corporate Wokism

Commentary The left’s “woke” attack on American culture and our free enterprise system is in retreat. Well, at least, the left’s assault on the core values of our American society is being pushed back. Finally. We appear to have reached peak “woke” in the culture war and Americans are declaring that they are fed up…

John Robson: Military Chaplains Must Not Be Christian, Advisory Panel’s Recommendation Says in Effect

Commentary If you’re doing your bit as a Canadian by following the lumbering Conservative leadership race and the looming Ontario election, I can’t blame you for missing other stories because you are sound asleep. But there is one about how our military chaplains must not be Christian that might wake you up thinking a hardcover…

Where Wokism Is a Oui Bit Different

PARIS—Rachel Khan is a 45-year-old writer and actress, half-Gambian, half-Polish Jew born and educated in France, who was appointed by the mayor of Paris to be co-director of a cultural center called La Place, or The Place, dedicated to hip-hop music in France. Then she became a target of the wrath of “le wokisme,” French…

Orwell and the Woke

Commentary “Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” — George Orwell,…

‘Burn It All Down’: Violent Language Leads to Violent Actions

Commentary You wouldn’t think opposing burning churches would be controversial in Canada. But it upsets a surprising number of people including Harsha Walia, former British Columbia Civil Liberties Association head, and a bunch of her supporters. How did we get here? As Global News observed, “In a June 30 tweet responding to a news article…