Tag: wellness

How to Get a Deep Sleep

By Derek Henry, Holistic Health Coach for Healing the Body We all crave that special place where we could sleep through almost anything and wake up feeling happy and rejuvenated. Unfortunately, those days for some of us are long gone and we haven’t had a good night’s rest for what seems like forever. Incorporate these…

Relaxation Techniques: What You Need To Know

What are relaxation techniques? Relaxation techniques are practices to help bring about the body’s “relaxation response,” which is characterized by slower breathing, lower blood pressure, and a reduced heart rate. The relaxation response is the opposite of the stress response. Some of the studies discussed in this fact sheet compare relaxation techniques to cognitive behavioral…

Love Your Hair Naturally

Short or long, straight or curly, dry, oily, or somewhere in between, we typically care a lot about our hair. We want to manage it responsibly and naturally, while at the same time, we often don’t have a lot of time. So how can you love your hair naturally in the most efficient and effective…

Immune-Boosting Supplements in a Nutshell

It seems it’s more important than ever to be sure we do all we can to boost our immune system and ward off infection. While it’s true that a healthy immune system relies on a variety of factors, including nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, environmental pollutants, and genetics, we all can also turn to some of the…

Sunlight Key to Battling MS and Flare-Ups

People suffering from multiple sclerosis or at risk of developing it can live more rewarding lives when they increase and monitor their vitamin D levels. Your body makes vitamin D in skin, the largest organ, when it’s exposed to sunlight. Higher vitamin D levels lower the risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS), and boosting vitamin…

Probing Personal Care Products: Look Out for Harmful Ingredients

Shampoo. Shaving cream. Deodorant. Makeup. Hair dye. Perfume and cologne. These and dozens of other products may be in your shower, gym bag, or medicine cabinet. But do you know what’s in them? Could any of their ingredients be risky for your health? Personal care products, including cosmetics, are regulated by the U.S. Food and…

8 Foods, and Other Methods to Relieve Cancer Pain, Chronic Pains

Pain is a common symptom of cancer patients. According to surveys, about 30 percent to 50 percent of cancer patients have pain problems, and more than 80 percent of terminal cancer patients experience pain. Most cancer patients must continually rely on painkillers or morphine. However, even with legal prescriptions, these drugs can bring many uncomfortable…

Tylenol’s Active Ingredient Paracetamol Is Destroying Your Fertility: Peer-Reviewed Study

Tylenol is destroying men’s sperm. That’s just one of the alarming revelations in a new article published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental International. The study, “Combined exposures to bisphenols, polychlorinated dioxins, paracetamol, and phthalates as drivers of deteriorating sperm quality” was conducted by an international team of scientists from the United Kingdom and Denmark. [1]…

Tylenol’s Active Ingredient Acetaminophen Is Destroying Your Fertility: Peer-Reviewed Study

Tylenol is destroying men’s sperm. That’s just one of the alarming revelations in a new article published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental International. The study, “Combined exposures to bisphenols, polychlorinated dioxins, paracetamol, and phthalates as drivers of deteriorating sperm quality” was conducted by an international team of scientists from the United Kingdom and Denmark. [1]…

Five Best Practices For a Healthy Microbiome

Three years ago I wrote an article entitled, “New Chinese Medicine Tools to Replenish and Repair Our Gut” for the OM Newspaper. In that article I discussed recent research and ideas on how those practicing Eastern Asian Medicine can identify themselves as experts in helping patients achieve a “healthy gut” and rightfully take their place…