Tag: wellness

Tiredness Can Change How Generous You Are: Study

What determines how generous you are as a person? Could it be how much money you have? How inherently kind you are? Or maybe it comes down to the values you hold. These are all reasonable assumptions. And, of course, how generous you are can change day-to-day. One factor affecting that daily inclination to generosity, according…

Snoring Is Not Healthy: Here’s 5 Natural Ways to Remedy It

Snoring is a common sleep phenomenon. But while some may think that it means that someone is sleeping soundly and sweetly, it’s actually the opposite. Snoring can be a health warning. Snoring happens when one’s upper respiratory tract is obstructed and must breathe hard during sleep. It’s the sound of inhaled air vibrating with the…

What Is Brown Noise? Can This Latest TikTok Trend Really Help You Sleep?

The latest TikTok trend has us listening to brown noise. According to TikTok, this has multiple benefits including helping you relax and quickly fall into a deep asleep. Getting insufficient sleep, and insomnia are common. So it’s no wonder many people are looking for ways to improve their sleep. But can brown noise help? If…

What Can Your Toenails Reveal About Your Health?

Risk factors for prostate cancer include age, race/ethnicity, family history, genetic changes and mutations, diet, obesity, smoking, chemical exposure, inflammation of the prostate, sexually transmitted disease, and undergoing a vasectomy. Researchers have been focusing on chemical exposure and its link to prostate cancer as of late. To dig deeper and obtain further insight, the latest…

Study Predicts Healthy Diets Equal Longer Life

Studies have long found an association between consuming a healthful diet and better health, leading to a longer life, mainly from a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. It has been estimated that dietary risk factors lead to 11 million deaths globally each year, making a poor diet the leading risk factor for…

Common Problems in Life That Minimalism Can Solve

“Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life, and the labors of life reduce themselves.”—Edwin Way Teale Sometimes, the answer to common problems is to begin a different routine, start a new process, or purchase something to make life easier. While this might be true in some situations, I’ve found even…

Bad Air Day: Air Quality and Your Health

In many parts of the country, summer has the worst air quality of any season. When the forecast says it’s a code red day for air quality, what does it mean for your health? If you’ve planned a picnic, a bike ride or even a walk with a friend, should you change your plans? “The…

Natural Options for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Do you suffer from malaise, low energy, brain fog, and a depressed mood? It’s not all in your head. You may have chronic fatigue syndrome, and there is a lot that you can do to feel better and reclaim your energy. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complex long-term disorder affecting more than 2 million…

Sitting and Watching TV May Boost Older Adults’ Dementia Risk

Adults 60 and older who sit for long periods watching TV or engaging in other passive, sedentary behaviors may be at increased risk of developing dementia, according to a new study. The risk is lower for those who are more active while sitting—engaging in behaviors like reading or using a computer. “It isn’t the time…

A Hot Bath Has Benefits Similar to Exercise

Many cultures swear by the benefits of a hot bath. But only recently has science began to understand how passive heating (as opposed to getting hot and sweaty from exercise) improves health. At Loughborough University we investigated the effect of a hot bath on blood sugar control (an important measure of metabolic fitness) and on…