Tag: walnuts

California Walnut Cake Is a Seriously Simple Dessert

Many people are surprised to learn that California walnuts account for 99 percent of the commercial U.S. supply and two-thirds of the world supply. Personally, I love the toasty, creamy flavor that walnuts deliver in desserts. I once came upon this cake idea, combining olive oil and walnuts. Olive oil in a cake? Why not?…

Walnuts Inhibit Cancer Development, Slow Its Growth, and Kill Cancer Cells

If you’re nuts about walnuts, you could be doing your health a huge favor. Several research studies have revealed that the benefits of walnuts include the ability to inhibit cancer development and even initiate the death of cancer cells. The secret to the cancer-killing properties of walnuts is that they contain several rare and potent phytonutrients that are…

Walnut Crust Adds Flavorful Crunch to Chicken Dish

By Linda Gassenheimer From Tribune News Service It’s easy to dress up boneless, skinless chicken thighs with this nutty walnut crust. It keeps them juicy and adds a flavorful crunch. The recipe also works with boneless, skinless chicken breasts. While the chicken bakes in the oven, the rigatoni and broccoli cook together on the stove….

What to Eat on a Pegan Diet

First there was the Paleolithic diet, emulating the eating habits of our nomadic ancestors. Now there’s a more vegetarian version: the Pegan diet. Paleo-Vegan may seem like a strange mash-up since such a big part of the Paleo diet is fat and meat. But consider Paleo’s emphasis on quality. Adherents of this diet specifically seek…