Tag: voting rights

Tennessee Supreme Court Rules Against Felon Seeking to Restore Voting Rights

A decision to deny a man the right to register to vote in Tennessee after receiving clemency in Virginia for a crime he committed in 1986 was upheld by the Tennessee Supreme Court on June 29. The 3–1 decision (pdf) came after Ernest Falls, a Tennessee resident since 2018, tried to register to vote in…

South Korea Raises Immigration Investment Requirements Amid Concerns of Chinese Political Inference

South Korea has recently raised its investment immigration threshold in response to an observed skew in the proportion of Chinese immigrants gaining residency. The decision comes in the wake of controversies surrounding the voting rights granted to Chinese permanent residents in South Korean local elections, rights which are not reciprocated for Koreans in China. This…

Over 55,000 Felons Will Have Voting Rights Restored Before Probation Ends in Minnesota

Felons in Minnesota are now eligible to vote immediately upon release from incarceration after Democrat Gov. Tim Walz signed the “Restore the Vote” bill into law on March 3. “Minnesotans who have completed time for their offenses and are living, working, and raising families in their communities deserve the right to vote. As a state…

Minnesota Supreme Court Rules Current Felon Voting Ban Constitutional, Leaves Issue to Legislature

The Minnesota Supreme Court on Feb. 15 upheld the state’s law that bars felons from voting while on parole, ruling that the law doesn’t violate the fundamental right to vote or the principle of equal protection within the state’s constitution. The long-awaited decision comes more than a year after the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) argued…

Illinois Lawmakers Push Legislation Allowing Prisoners to Vote

Lawmakers in Illinois are advancing a bill that seeks to provide incarcerated individuals voting rights in the state. The measure, Senate Bill 828, is being sponsored by State Senator Mike Simmons (D-Ill.) and seeks to overturn the current state law, which prohibits individuals serving a sentence in a state or federal prison, county jail, or…

A Disturbing Movement Is Picking Up Steam on the Left—Letting Noncitizens Vote

Commentary Voting has long been one of the privileges of American citizenship, but perhaps not for much longer. Left-wing activists are going all-in with their demands to let noncitizens vote, and Washington, D.C., just took up the charge. The D.C. City Council advanced a bill to let anyone vote in local elections, regardless of citizenship…

Ohio Voters to Decide If Non-US Citizens Can Vote in Local Elections

Ohio voters are heading to the polls to decide if non-U.S. citizens can vote in state or local elections. If passed, Issue 2 would change the Ohio Constitution. It proposes that only adult U.S. citizens who legally reside and are registered to vote in Ohio for at least 30 days can cast a ballot in…

Racial Gerrymandering Is No Longer Necessary

Commentary Democrats and their media allies are sounding the alarm that the Supreme Court is “dismantling” the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Washington Post warns that this term, the court will likely strip black voters of their right to elect someone “who represent(s) them.” Don’t believe it. Truth is, the Democratic Party has converted…

Australia Could Grant New Zealand Immigrants Voting Rights: PM

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has flagged possible voting rights for Kiwis in Australia and a more “common sense” approach to the country’s 501 deportation policy. If implemented, it would align Australia’s voting policy with New Zealand—where Australians living across the Tasman for more than one year are able to vote. “We’ll be asking the Joint…

Reaching New Levels of Hysteria

Commentary You can tell that we live in revolutionary times because almost every measure proposed and every speech or article proposing it are marked by an almost frantic moral urgency. But as we approach the first anniversary of the Biden administration’s taking office, the official rhetoric appears to have reached new levels of hysteria. I…