Vova Shevchuk, 22, was living in Poland with his mother, and on March 12, he is going back to Ukraine to join the civilian force. His interview with The Epoch Times took place just before he crossed the border into Ukraine.
Video: 22-Year-Old Living in Poland Will Return to Ukraine to Join Civilian Forces
Video Shows Apartment After Being Hit by Bomb: ‘We Survived Miraculously’
On March 2 at 11 p.m., Galina’s apartment in the city of Severodonetsk, in the Luhansk region of Ukraine, was hit by a shell fired from a Russian tactical weapon. Galina, her mother Olga, and relative Elena miraculously survived. Galina took a video of the apartment’s exterior and interior damage.
Video: US Amy Transport Trucks Drive Along Ukraine Border
U.S. Army transport trucks drive along a rural road within miles of the Ukraine border, in Poland on March 11. Video credit: Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times
Video Shows US Military Near Ukraine Border
U.S. Military seen 10 miles of the Ukraine border in Poland on March 11, 2022. Video credit: Dan Skorbach/NTD and Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times
Video: Former Member of British Military Volunteering at the Ukrainian Border
Keiran Murphy, a former member of the British military, left his home and his son to help with the Ukrainian refugee crisis. Every day, he crosses the border six times in order to deliver food and water to those in need. From NTD News
Volunteers Cook Soup for Ukrainian Refugees in Poland
An Irish volunteer and other volunteers prepared a huge pot of vegetarian soup. The soup was served to refugees who have escaped the war in Ukraine. The volunteer says food is like love. From NTD News
Video: Volunteers Cook Soup for Ukrainian Refugees in Poland
An Irish volunteer and other volunteers prepared a huge pot of vegetarian soup. The soup was served to refugees who have escaped the war in Ukraine. The volunteer says food is like love. From NTD News
Video: Mother Recounts Horrors in Ukraine
Anna Gorpenich and her children journeyed for 40 hours to the Ukraine-Poland border. She recounted to The Epoch Times the horrors she saw in various areas of Ukraine, including Russian soldiers walking through residential areas and shooting civilians.
Video: American Traveller Helps His Fiancé Escape Ukraine
Nathan Schweikart traveled from Poland into Ukraine to help get his fiancé out of Lviv. The city was feeling eerie and quiet, but the people are hopeful. From NTD News
Video: Refugee Families Welcomed to Poland With Hot Chocolate
Three families have escaped Ukraine into Poland. The Epoch Times’ sister media NTD spoke with the refugees to learn about their situation. From NTD News
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