Tag: US immigration

Guidance for US Immigration Policy

Commentary Even as the foreign-born become an ever-greater portion of American’s population, Washington’s immigration policy looks increasingly confused and contradictory. The government held the northern border with Canada tightly closed for an extended time and promptly repatriated any Cuban refugees wherever they are found back to their communist “paradise.” In the meantime, the southern border…

How the CIA Failed America on 9/11

Commentary Last month, Washington Post columnist George Will proclaimed, “I would like to see January 6th burned into the American mind as firmly as 9/11 because it was that scale of a shock to the system.” For Conrad Black, George Will “seems to have taken leave of his senses,” and the comparison wasn’t even close….

9/11 Plus 20: Lessons Not Learned

Commentary “When these attacks occur, as they likely will, we will wonder what more we could have done to stop them.” That was National Counterterrorism Coordinator Richard Clarke, in a May 29, 2001 memo to National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice and her deputy Stephen Hadley. The statement, which warned that “hundreds” of Americans might be…

Gemstone Dreams

Dorian Filip was a massage therapist in 2009, working aboard the Seabourn Odyssey on its maiden voyage around the Mediterranean. After some years in the industry, he had developed aches in his neck, shoulder, and hands that were increasingly painful, and thoughts of quitting were on his mind. “I said, ‘If nothing works, I’ll go…