Tag: U.S. economy

This Is Not the Path to Growth and Prosperity

Commentary Consumer retail spending right now is one of the few measures of economic activity that has not hit the skids. It rose two months ago, was flat last month, but there is every indication that it is rising again, as people dig deep to cough up to pay much higher bills while trying their…

Inflation Reduction Act Is the Problem, Not the Solution

Commentary A central pillar of the just-passed Inflation Reduction Act is the $80 billion going to the IRS to hire some 87,000 new agents, doubling the current force, to chase down U.S. taxpayers who allegedly are not meeting their tax obligations. The rationale is we have a large national budget deficit—that is, government is bringing…

Fix the Money, Fix the Government

Commentary In the midst of all this incredible political and economic chaos, I was tasked with packing up my mother’s things to prepare for her move to assisted living. It’s a gravely emotional experience for anyone, as I’m sure you know. I adore that woman, and going through her house offered ten thousand reminders. The…

The Recovery Must Begin Now

Commentary The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been the guiding hand throughout the disastrous pandemic response. The influence of this bureaucracy shattered communities, businesses, families, schools, markets, and so much more. It wrecked trust in government, media, and all other institutions like Big Tech. Every person has a story to tell, many of…

Did Lockdowns Turn Americans Into Lazy Bums?

Commentary It looks as if we can add another line to the long list of lockdown harms. Sloth. This explains so much actually. For months, we’ve been watching working/population ratios and labor participation rates and have been stunned by how they both continue to plummet. We search for explanations. Early retirement. Women driven out due…

The Psy-ops of Inflation Reports

Commentary Yesterday we were treated to the astonishing claims of the White House that inflation was zero. It was the broadcasting of a math error that would have been marked wrong on any test in a high-school primer on economics. But if our times have taught us anything it is that politics cares nothing for…

The Jobs Hoax

Commentary It took the better part of the weekend to unravel the truth behind the headlines that Biden presides over a job-creation machine. Looking at the details beneath the big claims paints a frightening picture not of a growing and enterprising economy but rather the opposite. What we find is a picture of an increasingly…

Most American Voters Say That Climate Change Is Not an Immediate Threat

A majority of Americans voters believe that climate change is an not immediate threat and that the economy is more of a primary concern to them, an ominous sign for the Democrats in the upcoming midterms, according to the Harvard-CAPS Harris poll for July published on Aug. 3. Only 45 percent of voters see climate…

Here Is What Stagflation Looks Like

Commentary Yes, we have some stagflation. Subsequent to the pre-COVID peak in Q4 2019, real final sales of domestic product have slowed to a crawl, rising by just0.73 percent per annum during the last 2.5 years. We much prefer this measure over real GDP because it removes the abrupt inventory swings from quarter to quarter, which…

‘Inflation Reduction Act’ Is Euphemism for Big Government Socialism, Higher Prices

Commentary In the midst of a recession, with inflation eating away an average of $6,800 in purchasing power from the incomes of families with two workers, the so-called Inflation Reduction Act would impose tax increases, manipulative federal subsidies, and price controls on every American family. The bill would deepen the growing recession, continue to depress…