Tag: tryptophan

Natural Compound Boosts Serotonin Levels, Supports Healthy Weight, New Study Suggests

Health Viewpoints According to the Centers for Disease Control, a shocking 73 percent of American adults are currently either overweight or obese—setting the stage for soaring rates of Type 2 diabetes and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. In addition, experts report that the incidence of major depression—with symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, and insomnia—is on the rise…

Tired After Lunch? Try This

At some point, everyone has felt like they could really, really use a nap after lunch. The phenomenon of the “afternoon slump,” or post-lunch drowsiness, is so common that the medical community has given it an official name—postprandial somnolence. The post-meal feeling of tiredness and lethargy can make it hard to concentrate on afternoon work…