Tag: The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder

The Tuttle Twins: Countering Woke Propaganda With Family, Humor, and Freedom

To counter the blatant woke indoctrination of youth today, author Connor Boyack and writer and director Jonny Vance speak about the premiere of Season 2 of their animated kids series “Tuttle Twins.” The series teaches children fundamental concepts about the free market and personal liberty. The creators seek to listen to parents and provide family…

‘Louder and Prouder:’ Disney Stokes the Woke

“The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder” is a revived Disney+ kids animation TV show, but its new iteration tackles modern issues through the lens of America as a racist country built by slaves, echoing critical race theory and Black Lives Matter narratives. On Rotten Tomatoes, which reviews films and TV shows, Louder and Prouder has…