Tag: sedentary

Longevity Isn’t Really About Our Genes, Study Reveals

How often have you pondered your dad’s diabetes or the heart disease that runs in the family and thought, “Am I going to get that? Is it inevitable?” With all we’ve learned about genetics, it seems reasonable to think that some of our health outcomes will be determined by those invisible forces buried deep in…

Blood Clot Risk: This Unique Compound in Grape Seed Extract Helps to Protect Your Circulation

For many, working from home is now the “new normal.”  And, for millions of Americans, this means long hours seated at a desk.  Believe it or not, while excessive sitting hardly seems like a dangerous activity, it actually presents a serious risk to health.  In fact, the threat is so severe that health experts are…

The Benefits of Seated Exercise

We know that staying sedentary can be a major risk factor for many diseases, but that doesn’t mean sitting is always a bad thing. Seated exercise is an effective form of exercise, whether for those that may have difficulty with standing exercises, or just those stuck at a desk looking for a quick way to…

How to Improve Health and Quality of Life for Long-Term Care Residents

Sitting around is a known risk factor for disease and disability. Yet, when older adults start to lose independence—becoming less functional physically or showing signs of cognitive impairment—they move into residences that may allow them to sit for 85 percent of their waking hours. As the baby boomer population ages, older people are starting to…

Avoid This Common Retirement Health Risk

As sedentary lifestyles become more prevalent in the Western world, many are quick to proclaim that sitting is the new smoking. Research published last year in the journal Occupational & Environmental Medicine shows that the transition to retirement is marked by a sharp rise in sedentary time, which is likely to be sustained for at least two…