Tag: seafarers

China’s Seven-Week Quarantine for Seafarers Sparks Outcry

Once the most convenient country to perform crew changes for seafarers, China has now become the most cumbersome after the Chinese regime instituted a seven-week COVID-19 mandatory quarantine policy for returning Chinese seafarers in November. The Chinese regime’s attempt to maintain a COVID-zero strategy has infuriated the shipping industry, as it sets off a fresh…

China’s 7-Week Quarantine for Seafarers Sparks Outcry

Once the most convenient country to perform crew changes for seafarers, China has now become the most cumbersome after the Chinese regime instituted a seven-week COVID-19 mandatory quarantine policy for returning Chinese seafarers in November. The Chinese regime’s attempt to maintain a COVID-zero strategy has infuriated the shipping industry, as it sets off a fresh…

Stranded and Shattered Seafarers Threaten Global Supply Lines

LONDON/SINGAPORE—”I’ve seen grown men cry,” says Captain Tejinder Singh, who hasn’t set foot on dry land in more than seven months and isn’t sure when he’ll go home. “We are forgotten and taken for granted,” he says of the plight facing tens of thousands of seafarers like him, stranded at sea as the Delta variant…

Seafarers Worldwide Marooned by Perfect Storm of COVID-19 Restrictions

In the wake of the pandemic, over 200,000 seafarers worldwide remain trapped on ships or are waiting for work. Many have been barred from entering ports due to virus restrictions, causing major disruption to international shipping lanes and the wellbeing of sea workers.   A crew change or changeover occurs at a port of call where…