Tag: reader’s turn

Stories All Ring True About the Problem of Identity We Now Face

A consistent storyline played out in some articles featured in the June 2–8, 2021, edition of The Epoch Times. Coincidence maybe, but I found a thread of similarity. One story [by Cara Ding] reports that “On Memorial Day, Parents Pass Down Patriotism at Wall Honoring Fallen Soldiers.” Another story [by Thalia Zhao] chronicles the story…

Anti-Policing Bills

“Beware Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing Hunting Our Sheepdogs” [by Christopher C. Hull, published in the June 9–15 edition] was an interesting, informative, and alarming reflection on the plight of most police departments that are losing officers every day in the current attacks by the various “wolves.” I say “most” since the article, unfortunately, in my…

Lab Leak Theory Is ‘Politically Correct’

The opinion piece by Benjamin Weingarten [“11 Critical Questions Now That the Lab Leak Theory Is ‘Politically Correct,’” published in the June 2–8 edition] could have gone one baby step further with regard to “politically correct.” “Gain-of-function” in viral research ever seeks a resultant that is far more contagious and lethal than the native strain….

Gain-of-Function Research

I enjoyed Ben Weingarten’s piece [“11 Critical Questions Now That the Lab Leak Theory Is ‘Politically Correct,’” published in the June 2–8 edition] posing 11 questions concerning the Wuhan lab leak. But he forgot Question No. 12: Should America be involved in gain-of-function research at all, given the inherent dangers and the uncertain benefits that…

‘How to Protect Yourself from iPhone Radiation’

The article “How to Protect Yourself from iPhone Radiation” by Daniel T. Debaun [published in the May 26–June 1 edition] itemizes potential sources of EMF radiation from iPhones. It is well-written, factual, and understandable—in other words, worth reading, and heeding. The Epoch Times has previously documented multiple hazards associated with EMF radiation from the current,…

Lab Debate of WIV

I am writing this letter to you to express my excitement as a fresh home delivery reader and to regret my years resisting your product. My family and I enjoy your rich and down-to-earth journalism. I recommend that everyone who cares about the Wuhan virus read The Epoch Times. As a practicing surgeon for 40…

Assault on the Freedoms of the USA

It used to be that the average citizen went to work each day, and it was hard work. This hard work was fueled by the need to provide housing, food, medical, and recreation. But it was also fueled by pride and refusing a handout and standing on one’s own two feet. What happened to that…

The Big Green Lie, May 12–18

Although I read three newspapers, none has published a negative opinion about climate change until you surprised me with Mark Hendrickson’s column (“The Big Green Lie,” published May 12 in the NY print edition). I agreed with everything he wrote but was mildly disappointed that he really offered no reason why the planet is warming….

Brave New World or Stupid New World

Some thoughts on “online” buying versus “brick and mortar” shopping. Online is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Aren’t we spoiled? Just got one bottle of a particular hairspray for my wife from Amazon. It’s hard to find it elsewhere. Online has taken over sanity. The item shows up in a 9-by-12 cardboard box with plastic…

Your Heart Will Make the Choice

The Bread Loaf School of English, affiliated with Middlebury College, in Vermont, offers a post-graduate summer program which, when successfully completed, leads to a master’s degree in English. A beautiful feature of the school is its barn. I clearly recall spending many hours quietly reading and sometimes playing the piano in the barn when I…