Tag: reader

China Laboratory Unleashed the Pandemic

I agree with some of the members of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee who recently reported the COVID-19 virus was leaked from the experimental virus laboratory in Wuhan, China. Communist China exported the COVID-19 virus to the United States and the rest of the world, and it is primarily responsible for the millions of…

I’m an American

“Are you a Republican?” she asked. “No,” I replied. “Are you a Democrat?” “No.” “Then what are you?” “I’m an American.”   Steve Lurie Illinois

Climate Change

Regrettably, the IPCC’s latest report missed the most important point—that China, India, Russia, and many other developing nations have zero intention of taking any meaningful action on climate change and that these third-world countries fully control our planet’s future. On March 2, 2021, António Guterres, secretary-general of the U.N., insisted that all coal projects worldwide…

Liberal Censorship

I second the opinion of John Alexander printed in the July 28, 2021, Readers’ Turn section [“Liberal Narrative’s Fine Print”].  There are few outlets for conservative opinion that aren’t subject to liberal censorship. The Epoch Times is one of those few. Unfortunately, it preaches to the choir. The people that most need to hear what…

Evictions = CRIME

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Oh Terrible Republican & Democrat politicians, but several people I know said that, if they are evicted (and since there is no “supply” to the “demand” for affordable housing) … they will commit a crime to go to jail for “3 hots and a cot” (and full…

A Big Compliment to Naomi Wolf and Lori Roman

Please allow me to offer a big compliment to the two co-authors of your recent article about Social Media censorship [“Left and Right Should Unite to Stop Censorship” by Naomi Wolf and Lori Roman, published in the July 28–Aug. 3 edition]. It has been a component of my anxiety and depression for quite a while…

Professor Natelson and the Constitution

The educational article on the Constitution by Professor Natelson was ausgezeichnet (excellent). I hope The Epoch Times reprints it once a year or publishes it in a small booklet attached to a pocket Constitution. As I read the Constitution, the Senate represents the states through their senators. Every state has one state government and that…

A Revelation for Marxists

I write this condensed version of the connection of Darwin to Marxism, and trust that it may reveal to many why Darwin should not be taught in schools (even as a “theory”). And that Darwin’s theory of evolution supports a main pillar of socialism, which has failed each time it was implemented in part because…

Re: Vitamin D

I would like to comment on the letter to the editor titled “Vitamin D” by Valerie Looper [published in the July 21–27 edition]. It might be construed to your readers that taking 7,000 IU is the normal dose of vitamin D for deficiency, as her “level” is maintained this way. Recommendations for supplementation with cholecalciferol…

Zero Emmissions

The Aug. 5 Epoch Times article “Biden Wants Half of All Vehicles Sold in the US by 2030 to Be Zero Emission” [published online] was laughable. The government’s incompetence in attempting to dictate the pace and direction of U.S. product innovation is always a hoot. While it is encouraging that leaps in vehicle electrification technology…