Tag: reader

Response to ‘Illinois Requires COVID-19 Vaccine for Students, Mandates Masks’

These days you’re an “anti-vaxxer” if you have not been vaccinated and you’re a “mad-vaxxer” for wanting everyone vaccinated. But survivors of COVID now know they have robust, and perhaps, even better immunization to COVID than those vaccinated. There are also those who have health conditions causing them to pause before vaccinating. Neither group of…

Masks, Lies, and Control

The left is calling people racists, killers, and horrible traitors if they do not join them in forcing masks upon everyone. Their unions, especially the teachers’ unions, are supporting the efforts to mask all our children when they know little about what that will do to their social and psychological development. I ask people to…

To War or Not to War

When I was a young lieutenant sitting alert on an F-4 Phantom in West Germany in the mid-’70s, waiting for the signal to go bomb a target in response to an attack by Russian forces from Communist Eastern Europe, I figured the chances of returning would be slim, assuming there was an airbase left to…

A Step Toward Unity

One thing we are all in agreement on is we are weary of COVID. Dr. Fauci is in favor of the monoclonal antibody treatment and has estimated 85 percent of hospitalizations and death could be prevented with this remedy. The State of Florida, under Governor Ron DeSantis, has already administered more than 10,000 doses in…

Media Bias

The political affiliations of 70 percent of upper management of all U.S. newspapers are registered Democrats. Hence, they have a clear bias toward liberal views and opinions in reporting on almost all issues, local and national. This begs the question—Why are so many Democrats and liberals in management positions in our media? One only needs…

Virus-Related Mandates

The American electorate are not children, unable to think through and make decisions that they deem best for themselves and their families. No one is prohibited from wearing masks as they deem necessary for themselves or their family, nor is anyone prohibited from taking the COVID shot. Once the facts are searched out, we simply…

American Valor Day

On Monday, Sept. 6, we will celebrate Labor Day, a day that recognizes the American worker who performs everyday tasks that keep the blood pumping through the heart of this great democracy. The American worker ignites the energy that powers this nation forward, from the postal worker who delivers your mail to the clerk at…

America’s Past Greatness

Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021, was the 76th anniversary of the surrender of Japan on the dock of the battleship Missouri. It happened in large part because America was the strongest economic power in the free world, and only entered the war after Japan bombed our fleet in Hawaii.  Admiral Yamamoto reportedly said (or wrote in…

Response to ‘Left and Right Should Unite to Stop Censorship’

When I read “A Big Compliment to Naomi Wolf and Lori Roman” by Sharon Hendrickson in the Aug. 11–17 Opinion section [in “The Readers’ Turn”], I couldn’t help but wonder if everyone is missing the point. The title of Wolf and Roman’s article in the Opinion section of the July 28–Aug. 3 issue states their…

‘Concerns Surround IMF Plan to Flood World With Liquidity’ by Alex Newman

Thank you for your outstanding efforts to keep us better informed about critical issues facing our great country! The article by Alex Newman in your July 21–27, 2021, issue concerning the planned issuance by the International Monetary Fund of $650 BILLION in so-called special drawing rights (SDRs) was informative, alarming, and disheartening. We should all…