Tag: reader

The Budget and Raising the Debt Ceiling

As an 80-year-old, I remember when Congress was required to have a balanced budget for the fiscal year (October to September). The budget listed all the costs to pay for the operation of the government. This included salaries, spending on government programs, and whatever else Congress wanted money for, and if there was not enough…

Questions Not Asked

From the beginning of the Wuhan virus outbreak, media reports repeatedly mentioned a correlation between preexisting medical conditions like compromised immune systems and the need for hospitalization with intensive care, e.g., ventilation, and lethality. There was never any mention of just how these preexisting medical conditions were being treated or of any possibility that there…

The Quiet Revolution

After reading Roger L. Simon’s thought-provoking editorial “Has the Time Come to Break Up America?” [published on Sept. 15], perhaps, what America needs is a different type of revolution. Not one of those nasty, inconvenient Bolshevik, Social Democrat, or anarchist revolutions, full of assassinations, burning cars, and buildings, or attacks on unsuspecting citizens. Those revolutions…

The Coming Nightmare?

Numerous times, before and during his presidency, Mr. Biden said he was going to raise the rate of income taxes on only those earning more than $400,000 to pay for his proposed social and entitlement programs. Working its way through Congress is a $1 trillion so-called “infrastructure bill,” which includes about 15 percent for roads,…

Constitutional County

Thank you for the excellent story by Alex Newman [[“Vowing to Protect Rights, NY County Goes ‘Constitutional,’” published on Sept. 8] and the inspiring actions of [the Cattaraugus County] legislature. However, as we all know, words count. In the newly adopted version of their mission statement, they say “the liberties endowed to the people by…

Natural Immunity

As a 77-year-old, Type 1 diabetic female who had COVID-19 in November 2020, I resent being pushed into a vaccine that I do not need. I have the antibodies … and since they are my own, I feel, as many in the medical profession feel, that they are stronger and better than a vaccine from…

Vaccine Mandates

The president and other government officials can’t figure out why people won’t get a COVID-19 vaccination (full disclosure: I am vaccinated). Here are a few possible reasons: The government told us in March 2020 not to wear masks because they wouldn’t really help. A few months later, they told us to wear a mask. Then…

America and Our Future

I am a 76-year-old retired school teacher (39 years high school health), two-year army veteran, a two-time Olympian, and, most importantly, an American. I am deeply concerned with the direction of our country. For a number of reasons, we don’t think of ourselves as Americans but as either Democrat or Republican. You don’t see any…

The Final Solution

The phrase “pandemic of the unvaccinated” has become widespread. We find it repeated ad nauseam in liberal print, TV, and social media. The unvaccinated among us are now viewed and referenced by many with the same disdain as were Jewish folk in National Socialist Germany.  In fact, the so-called vaccination passports promoted by America’s own…

Opinion, Knowledge and Truth

Granted, our public education system leaves a lot to be desired, with their indoctrination practices, but everyone born in this country today has the opportunity to achieve their goals through perseverance, endurance, and self-education. This is what the American dream is all about. Achievement is a lifelong process that requires hard work and belief. “Tell…