Tag: reader

Old Films and Vaudeville

I love your newspaper and with my print subscription, I read it cover to cover every week.   Many thanks for always having such great articles on old movies and vaudeville and such. I am particularly struck by the article from Ms. Brannan on the 1941 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde [published in the Nov. 10–16…

I Get to Keep My Job!

I was absolutely thrilled to learn today that the courts upheld the “stay” on the Biden vaccine mandate. Then imagine how I felt when I read the OSHA has backed down from mandates also. I get to keep my job. You see, I am a 61-year-old, single, white, truck driver, oh yeah, did I mention…


For years, the conservative movement has been lecturing the leftist liberals as to the wrongness of abortion. They’ve tried to point out the injustice of killing innocent human embryos based on moral arguments primarily, wrongly assuming that the left has a moral code beyond politically correct speech. As the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision allowing…

Do Something. Do Anything.

About a year or so ago, I wrote a letter to The Epoch Times editor titled “Why SpaceX and Elon Musk Are the Right Stuff.” Shortly thereafter, I was contacted by a gentleman who I will call Mr. G. The subject line was “Contact with a Kindred Spirit.” That certainly caught my attention. According to…

‘The Identitarian Party’

I believe that today’s Democratic Party should change its name to “The Identitarian Party” because it has more and more become a collection of identity-groups who believe that the groups that they themselves happen to belong to and are a member of has been the most victimized and unjustly treated of all and should be…


Rob Natelson writes [in “Abolish the CDC and NIH,” published in the Nov. 3–Nov. 9 edition] that CDC has 11,000 “workers” and NIH has 20,000. He says the combined annual budgets for these bloated bastions of waste and excess total over $53 billion. Do you know what this is per employee? UNBELIEVABLE! J. Sexton Minnesota

Ponzi Is Still in Awe

In the letter in “The Readers’ Turn” for Oct. 27–Nov. 2, 2021, by Enid F. Rocourt of Arizona, Rocourt claims that it is incorrect to say that the money for Social Security does not go into the so-called Social Security trust fund, that it goes into Social Security and is then “borrowed” by the federal…

Investing Social Security

Go get your pocket calculator. In the meantime, kudos to The Epoch Times for allowing us to discuss the most important subject to about 75 percent of us (private-sector workers): our pensions, Social Security. The beginning Dow Jones average of equities on Jan. 1, 1975, was 632. Punch that into your calculator, divide by .092…

Social Security Payments

In the Oct. 27 edition of The Epoch Times, a letter appeared in “The Reader’s Turn” from an individual who claimed that he would never receive the full amount of his contribution from Social Security. That didn’t seem correct to me from my experience, so I checked my old Social Security statements of benefits and…

Social Security as Socialism

I read Ted Yaeger’s contribution “Social Security as Socialism” [in “The Readers’ Turn,” published in the Oct. 27–Nov. 2 edition]! I totally agree. Living in a free country but having no choice concerning an “opt-in or opt-out” of paying into Social Security, to me, is absolute socialism. Because there is no choice, many who pay…