Tag: reader

Letter to The Reader’s Turn

I never cease to be amazed at the intelligence and ability of many Americans, and with the advent of The Epoch Times and the letters from readers’ pages, I am more impressed than ever. Being an immigrant of over 54 years and having worked in industry here, I have experienced many changes in all facets…

This Audit Farce Must Stop If We Want Our Vote to Count in Arizona

It is really getting old, being forced to constantly justify having doubts about the election. The people who say an audit will jeopardize our vote and is fraudulent are the same ones that forced us to put up with a four-year investigation of the 2016 election. Are we wrong to have our doubts? Obama received…

Why States Have Begun to Wisely Ban Critical Race Theory

While the Biden administration is pushing critical race theory (CRT) on federal employees, the military, and in our schools, states are passing legislation to ban it from being taught in their public schools. CRT rejects both colorblindness and meritocracy as illusions that allow Whites to perpetuate their cultural dominance. Those who believe in colorblindness and…

The All-Out Assault on Small Businesses

Thousands of small businesses are attempting to come back after a very difficult year because of COVID. Restaurants, and businesses in fitness, service, and entertainment were particularly hurt the most. Online businesses like Amazon did great with record sales. Big box stores like Wal-Mart did very well. But small businesses faced arduous restrictions by governors…

Federal Government Spending Craze

The Biden administration along with Congress is on a spending craze that will continue annual deficits of over $1 trillion. The $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus bill enacted in March and the previous COVID-19 stimulus bill in 2020 were necessary to combat the adverse impact of the pandemic. The $2.2 trillion infrastructure program proposed by the…


President Biden’s proposed $2.3 trillion infrastructure program would be spent over eight years. It includes $85 billion that would go toward transit. Key components are  $55 billion for transit state of good repair, $25 billion for transit expansion, and $5 billion for Americans With Disabilities Act implementation. Democrats also provide $21 billion for safety, $25…


My ears are overflowing with the improper use of the word “woke” from all sides. If we continue to use this word in its slang context, we are validating its place in society and the philosophy that follows. We have a duty to stop unconsciously legitimizing an ideology that sows hate, deceit, and inaccuracies—particularly one…

The Way We Teach Math Needs a Drastic Overhaul

I make a living teaching math to middle-schoolers, most often against their will. The job is rewarding and purposeful, sure, but my next favorite part is the praise and attention I receive upon telling others about my apparently very noble calling. “Wow, God bless you guys. I could never do that. Math? Good for you….

Thomas Jefferson’s Rules for Life

Kudos to Joshua Charles for today’s article [published in the May 19 edition]. What a magnificent boost for all of us. Reflection upon the words of our eminent “Founding Father” shows how intuitive and wise he was so many years ago. All Americans should read, review, study, and submit Jefferson’s 10 points to their friends,…

Beware of the 3-letter Word

It used to be the four-letter words that prompted a negative reaction in most of us. Now it is the three-letter word (I know, not really a word) that scares me most. Sydney Powell properly referred to them as the three-letter federal agencies. How can it be that we went from admiration and trust for…