Tag: Probiotics

What Are the Best Probiotics for a Healthy Immune System?

Our health landscape is changing rapidly and we find ourselves in a new era. An era of degrading food supply, systemic inflammation, and overuse of drugs, including antibiotics. Living in our modern world takes its toll and we see it in our practices every day. Antibiotics are failing, superbugs are on the rise, and digestive…

Protect Yourself from Respiratory Infections with Probiotics

According to University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine researchers, doctors frequently misuse antibiotics when treating patients hospitalized with respiratory tract infections. In a study published in Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, doctors at two Pennsylvania hospitals were found to be using antibiotics to treat patients with viral infections, which are known to not respond to…

Probiotics and Mental Health

You may wonder how beneficial bacteria could possibly have a positive impact on mental health. If you have heard of the brain-gut axis—the pathway that exists between the brain and the gut—then you might guess there is a definite link between these two areas of the body.  This relationship is important to understand so you…

Maximize Your Probiotics for Immune Health

Recent concerns about immune health have prompted many people to want to know how to boost their immune systems in the best ways possible. One of those ways is with good bacteria, or probiotics—but not just any probiotics. The big questions are: How effective are probiotics for immune health, and how can you be sure…

Good Things Can Happen When Your Gut Is Happy

There is an ever-expanding pool of research indicating that your gut health can influence how you think, feel, and function. But if you want the mental and emotional benefits of a healthy gut, you have to give your gut what it needs. The magic that fuels your gut’s psychological impact is bugs—tiny little microorganisms that…

Korean Superfood May Reduce Body Fat

Fermented foods such as kimchi may be one key to preventing obesity. A June 2020 study evaluated whether the Lactobacillus sakei bacteria derived from the Korean side dish can cause weight loss in obese individuals, with promising results. Obesity is one of the most visible public health problems around the world today, yet it also…