Tag: Probiotics

Candida: Cancer’s Canary in the Coal Mine

According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, “yeast infections such as Candida were recognized centuries ago as an indicator of much larger underlying diseases such as diabetes mellitus, malignant tumors, and chronic infections—sort of the miners’ canary.” Years ago when I saw clients, over half of them presented with either an overgrowth of candida or systemic candida….

Probiotics Are Becoming a New Front in Fighting Cancer

If you’re like most people, you think of probiotics—“good” live bacteria that keep your gut healthy—as something that might be added to your yogurt or taken with antibiotics to protect your intestinal microbiome from being compromised. This view of probiotics often extends to “prebiotics“—fiber-rich foods that the good bacteria in your gut “eat”—and “postbiotics”—substances released…

How to Make Homemade Kimchi (Recipe + Video)

By Chef Bao This is a simple and traditional cabbage-style kimchi that incorporates the crunch of apples and radishes, along with the tanginess of pears, for a burst of flavors and textures that will beat anything you’ve had at your favorite Korean restaurant. Kimchi is a dish that’s made from a variety of seasoned and fermented…

5 Minute Fermented Salsa Trick

The fermented cilantro salsa and super raw salsa recipes I posted awhile back are incredibly delicious and far healthier alternatives to jarred shelf-stable salsa from the store. What if you are so schedule crunched that you don’t even have the time to chop up all the ingredients? In that case, let me share how to make 5 minute fermented…

Probiotics 101: A Simple Beginner’s Guide | Eat Better

The bacteria in your body outnumber your body’s cells 10 to 1. Most of these bacteria reside in your gut, and the majority are quite harmless. Having the right gut bacteria is linked to numerous health benefits. These include: Weight loss Improved digestion Enhanced immune function Healthier skin Better mood Plus there is a reduced…

Slow Cooker Yogurt Is Easy, Plus Better Than Any Store Brands

My somewhat sobering review of the best and worst brands of store yogurt has apparently resulted in some folks considering a switch to homemade. If this is your thought process too because not a single yogurt brand is optimal (grassfed, organic, non-homogenized milk, 24-hour, no additives), I would recommend slow cooker yogurt as an ideal solution. Most…

Is Low Stomach Acid Damaging Your Health?

When it comes to stomach acid, most people think they have too much. Problems such as heartburn, acid reflux or indigestion are often attributed to excess stomach acid. But in many cases, it’s not the case at all. In fact, these problems may be due to LOW stomach acid. This can lead to further problems…

Eat This Special Fiber for Good Gut Health

Most everybody knows about probiotics. These are foods and supplements that help strengthen the immune system, and improve digestion. A lesser known trend in the world of gut health is called prebiotics. Both prebiotics and probiotics contribute to the health of our microbiome—a name for the diverse bacterial colony that lives inside each of us. The…

Probiotics Tackles Depression in Clinical Treatments

People treated for depression exhibit greater improvements if probiotics are taken with anti-depressants as compared to only taking anti-depressants, a Swedish study has found. The study found a greater proportion of depressed and bipolar patients that took both probiotics and anti-depressants—55 percent—entered remission as compared to the 40 percent of patients that only took antidepressants. Probiotics…

Prebiotics and Probiotics

If you’re not thinking about your gut health, you’re missing an important element of your overall health. Your gut can influence mood, immunity, metabolism, and the functionality of your body’s internal systems. How does it have this kind of power? Think about it this way: You’ve got trillions of cells in your body that most…