Tag: pilot whales

Post-Mortem Shows Pilot Whales Were Healthy Before They Swam Ashore and Died in NS

Animal autopsies on several pilot whales that washed ashore last weekend in Cape Breton indicate the whales were healthy, says a marine animal conservation group. Tonya Wimmer, executive director of the Marine Animal Response Society, says necropsies performed on eight of the whales suggest the animals were not following a sick member who had become…

Almost 500 Whales Die in Two Mass Strandings in Remote Chatham Islands

Almost 500 pilot whales have become beached on New Zealand’s remote Chatham Islands over two mass strandings, with an expected survival rate of zero. Project Jonah, which specialises in the protection and conservation of marine mammals, reported that a second mass stranding of about 250 pilot whales had occurred on Pitt Island on Oct. 10….

Rescuers Save 32 Whales From Mass Stranding in Tasmania

Rescuers have managed to return to the ocean 32 beached pilot whales that survived a mass stranding of their 230 strong pod on Tasmania’s West Coast. The 32 of the 35 surviving whales were refloated on Thursday in what rescuers described as a “terrific result.” Most of the 230 pilot whales died after becoming stranded…