Tag: Personality and Disease

Cellular Blood Analysis Can Detect Emotions, Forecast Disease

Ask anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer, and they’ll probably tell you they wished they could have seen it coming earlier — before the biopsy, before symptoms began, and before they or their physician had any inkling that trouble was brewing. We all know that it’s much easier to direct the path of a…

The Death Temptation

I am writing this from a basis of my truth, something that is deeply true to my beliefs and understanding of the world and also knowing that this is not a place or a belief for many people. (It maybe wiser for some to stop reading now…)  I believe that sickness nearly always has a deep emotional…

An Utterly Unexpected Risk Factor for Malignant Melanoma

This article is part of a series on personality and diseases. There are many personality typing systems, and those various types generally fall into these four categories. We explore the emotional pitfalls of each “type” and explained their causative relationship with disease; it is possible to identify with traits across types, as well as the respective ailments….

The BodyMind Concept: Two Surprising Tips to Heal Your Body with Your Mind

I remember once feeling like I was offering my patients a warm, nurturing hug when I would give them a diagnosis, or confirm it, after a consultation. “It’s the nature of Bipolar Disorder,” I would say “…it’s just part of your lineage, a brain chemistry condition, that thankfully, we can manage if you stick with…

Addiction Model Can’t Fully Explain Obesity

There are behavioral similarities between obesity and addiction, but obesity is also a complex condition that the addiction model cannot fully explain, research finds. Obesity rates have tripled since 1975, according to the World Health Organization. An increase in availability of inexpensive, high-calorie food is likely behind the rise. While some researchers blame obesity on…

Nervous Tummy: Why You Might Get the Runs Before a First Date

So, you’re going on a date and you’re understandably a bit nervous. And then you feel it – a churning and cramping in your gut. Suddenly you’re running to the toilet and wondering why your body reacts this way. How does a case of nerves translate to an upset stomach? What is actually happening in…

A Guide to Practicing Trust

At the core of a lot of our difficulties is a lack of trust—especially trust in ourselves. Think about these common difficulties that most of us face: What to focus on: We don’t trust our hearts to choose what we would like to work on right now. Indecision: We get stuck on indecision because we…

A Surprising Risk Factor of Coronary Heart Disease

How many times have we heard the “smoking, drinking, and being overweight” warning in relation to heart disease? Yet, one of the longest-running studies contradicts this. A much bigger risk factor is stress—particularly the kind of stress found in a specific personality type that processes anger in a particular way. The Framingham project is the…

Why Job Turnover Is So High for Gen Z and Millennials

Jonathan Haidt’s latest essay “Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid” in the Atlantic calls attention to concerns related to how Generation Z has been raised. According to Haidt (and previously fleshed out in his insightful book “The Coddling of the American Mind,” Gen Z members have received more structure and attention…

60-80% of Diseases Are Related to This, and Your Personality Type Shows It

We are exposed to more and more toxins in our daily lives. In addition to physical toxins (e.g. radiation), chemical toxins (e.g. plasticizers, pesticides and benzene) and biological toxins (e.g. viruses and bacteria), there is another type of toxin, namely, emotional toxins. Emotional toxins can be even more harmful than physical or biochemical toxins, because…