Tag: peace

Why America Needs Her Enemies

Commentary “You have heard that it has been said, ‘You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.’ But I say unto you, ‘Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them who despitefully use you, and persecute you.’” Those are some of the provocative…

Beijing Steps Up Aggression as It Seeks to Lead ‘New World Order’

News Analysis The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) seeks to destroy the international system and rebuild it in its own image. To many Americans, that may sound far-fetched, but is precisely what CCP officials and strategy calls for. To international audiences, the CCP has repeatedly declared that its foreign policy goals are grounded in principles like…

US Sanctions Houthi Military Leaders as Peace Efforts Stall

DUBAI—The United States on Thursday imposed sanctions on two Houthi military officials, the U.S. Treasury Department said, taking action over the Iran-aligned movement’s offensive to seize Yemen’s gas-rich Marib region. U.S. Special Envoy on Yemen Tim Lenderking earlier on Thursday urged the group battling a Saudi-led coalition for over six years to de-escalate and engage…

Young Mom Who Co-owns a Film Production Company Shares Mantra to Peace Amid Chaos

After the challenging 2020 marred by the CCP virus pandemic, people everywhere seem to long for a stress-busting mantra leading to a chaos-free, peaceful life. A young Swedish entrepreneur who went through a host of issues in her early twenties shares the passkey to make radical life-transformation possible. Andrea Elvhage, 39, the co-owner of Fenix Film…