Tag: natural remedies

Effective Ways to Naturally Prevent Mosquito Bites and Deadly Mosquito-Borne Diseases

A domestic resurgence of U.S. malaria cases for the first time in 20 years, with predictions the numbers will rise, has created concern over mosquito-borne diseases and how to prevent them. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on June 27 issued a health advisory after five malaria cases were confirmed in Florida and…

3 Simple Ways to Remove Your Bloat

Much advice floats around relieving abdominal bloating but some health professionals have highlighted three natural ways to help people put an end to the uncomfortable sensation of a bloated belly. A short-term disease affecting the gastrointestinal tract, bloating is generally characterized by an excess buildup of gas, air, and fluids in the stomach. As the…

Respiratory Syncytial Virus–Prevention and Natural Treatments

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is a common, highly contagious virus that causes infections of the lungs and respiratory tract spread by coughing or sneezing. Symptoms are usually mild and similar to the common cold for adults and older, healthy children. Babies under 12 months, the immune-compromised, and those with heart or lung disease are at…

Demand for Lemons Surge Amid China’s Drug Shortage Fueled by COVID Surge

Chinese people are turning to natural remedies to prevent being infected with COVID-19. While fever clinics overcrowd and medical resources run in short supply, sales of canned yellow peaches and lemons have soared. The“10 New Guidelines” released by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on Dec. 7 marked a shift in China’s epidemic prevention policy. Not…

Cooking for Healing: The Pungent Potency of Ginger | Eat Better

Herbs and spices were used by ancient cultures to heal the body, mind, and spirit. The Western world has largely replaced these natural remedies with pharmaceuticals. But that said, around 80 percent of people worldwide still use traditional or ancient medicine. This isn’t surprising. That’s because more than 80 percent of pharmaceuticals are derived or…

Refresh and Restore With the Original American Energy Drink

When Benjamin Morrell dedicated his memoir to the Secretary of the United States Navy, he made a curious recommendation. The early 19th-century captain recommended that all long-voyage ships be provisioned with plenty of molasses and vinegar. Captain Morrell, though reputedly a teller of tall tales, certainly knew how to provision ships for success. His travels…

6 Natural Ibuprofen Alternatives Backed by Clinical Research

With the public’s growing awareness of the deadly side effects associated with the regular use of synthetic painkillers like ibuprofen, the need for natural, evidence-based alternatives has never been greater. People generally think that over-the-counter drugs are safer than physician-prescribed ones. Unfortunately that doesn’t hold true for drugs like ibuprofen, consumed at a rate of billions of…

5 Simple Drinks to Clear Acne and Inflammation, Boost Immune System

Inflammation within our bodies is the root cause of many frustrating skin conditions, including acne, eczema, and dermatitis! So to really understand what role different food ingredients can play, today Fel shares with you her favorite natural drinks to really help clear the skin and get rid of acne and blemishes from the inside out!…

Proven Natural Remedies for Eye Health

The eyes may be the window to the soul, but the liver is the key to their well-being. So, if your eyes are acting up, you may want to take a look at your liver. Yes, that’s right – the liver. According to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), the liver meridian supports the free flow of…

How to Craft a Natural Home Medicine Kit

Crafting a home medicine kit can be easy and inexpensive — and is something no home should go without! It wasn’t that long ago when every home had an herbal or homeopathic medicine kit filled with natural remedies to treat injuries or illnesses that family members might encounter. These days it is not so common and many…