Tag: Murray Darling Basin Authority

Climate Change a Factor in Unveiling of New Roadmap for Basin Review

Sir Angus Houston, chair of the Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA), has unveiled a roadmap on how the authority will conduct its 2026 basin plan review (BPR). Focusing on four key themes: climate change, sustainable water limits, First Nations, and regulatory design, the BPR will be released “every 6 months or so” until the delivery…

Murray Darling Basin Authority Says Vital Projects Wont Meet Deadlines

The Murray Darling Basin Authority’s Chief Executive has said that the vital projects required to meet the Basin plan’s proposed targets will not be completed by the 2024 deadline. In an address to the National and Rural Press Club on Nov. 22, Chief Executive of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA), Andrew McConville, said despite the…

For First Time in 26 Years Murray-Darling Dams Approach Capacity

Forecast heavy rainfall could see a Victorian dam spilling for the first time in 26 years, potentially contributing to flooding downstream. The Dartmouth Dam has overflowed only four times since its completion in 1979, the last time being in 1996. Murray-Darling Basin Authority operators are closely managing water outflows from Hume and Dartmouth dams above…

Murray Darling Basin ’Near Full’ at Various Points as Vic Farmers Chief Challenges Water Recovery Policy

Higher than average rainfall has resulted in water storage levels along the Murray-Darling Basin to be “near full” and/or “spilling” along various points, with one area hitting a six-year high, a report has found. This comes as Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) Water Council Chair Andrew Leahy criticises the federal government’s policy to recover the controversial 450…

Greater ‘Understanding’ of Murray Darling Basin Communities Needed As Labor Appoints New Water Minister

A liberal senator in the state of South Australia has called on newly appointed environment and water minister, Tanya Plibersek, to visit communities across the Murray Darling Basin in order to have a greater “understanding” of rural and regional communities in Australia. Speaking to Sky News host, Chris Kenny on June 2, liberal senator Anne…