Tag: local food

Let Me Tell You Why I’m in Love With Local Asparagus

Fresh asparagus, purchased close to its growing area, tastes vastly different than the bunches sold most of the year at the supermarket. Local asparagus tastes sweeter, greener, and richer, even with a superior crisp snap. For the next couple of weeks, we plan to eat our fill of the local deep green and purple varieties…

Ancient Wisdom: Eating Local and Seasonal Food Is Better for Health

When I was studying macrobiotic diet therapy, I said that we should eat food that grows within 31 miles (50 kilometers) of our vicinity. Food produced within this area is the best fit for our bodies. There is also a directional aspect to consider. Because the direction of energy movement in the Southern Hemisphere and…

Why You Should Eat Local

One of the best ways you can improve the nutrient value and social benefit of your food is to eat local. Throughout most of human history, humankind ate food that was close at hand, according to the natural change of seasons, out of necessity. But this practice has numerous benefits, including tying us more closely…

Eating Close to Home: A Farmer-Cook’s Advice for Eating Locally, Wherever You Are

In September 2018, Andrea Bemis embarked on a life-changing journey—one that brought her closer than ever to home. Bemis, an organic farmer, food blogger (DishingUpTheDirt.com), and cookbook author living in north central Oregon, had an epiphany earlier that year, while grabbing a can of coconut milk from her pantry: Despite a decade of farming and…