Tag: Lent

Prayer App Beats Facebook and TikTok in Apple’s App Store Rankings

Hallow, a Catholic prayer and meditation app, recently beat Big Tech companies like Google, Instagram, and Spotify to rank as a top Apple app at the beginning of the Lenten season. On Ash Wednesday, celebrated this year on Feb. 22, Hallow ranked No. 3 on the Apple app store’s list of top free apps. “God…

On the Road to Recovery: A Spiritual Journey Begins

It’s been long overdue but I finally made it to UVA Medical Center in Charlottesville for foot surgery. As I pen this from my laptop station aboard my bed top the leg is prone and heavily wrapped. Instructions are clear. This is the non-weight bearing stage so keep it elevated and off the ground. Forget walking….

Friday in Wisconsin? Time to Get Your Fish Fry On

Wisconsin didn’t invent fried fish, but they certainly have made the Friday fish fry a cultural imperative. Few restaurants, taverns, or supper clubs—or for that matter, church basements—skip the tradition during Lent, the Christian 40-day period of preparation for Easter, but the meal has taken on a life of its own. Let me explain. From…