Commentary Editor’s note: COVID lockdowns and restrictions for “two weeks to flatten the curve” began two years ago in late March 2020. At the time, many pundits called it a dangerous mistake, one of whom was law professor Bruce Pardy. Two years later, as restrictions finally begin to ease, the federal government and many workplaces…
Back to the Future: ‘Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve’ Was a Dangerous Mistake From the Beginning
The Communist Push to Eliminate Moderates and Incite Conflict
Commentary At its roots, communism is an ideology that strives on the capitalization of extremists. Under communist rule, moderates are not allowed to exist. You either support the communist revolution or risk being labeled as an enemy of the people. This idea of dividing and conquering can be seen in successful communist revolutions throughout history….
Who Really Was Karl Marx? How Does He Still Exert Influence Over the American Left?
Who was Karl Marx? From Marx and Nechayev to Lenin, Gramsci, and Black Lives Matter, we are seeing a long-term, well-integrated revolutionary movement on the verge of world domination. Trevor Loudon reviews James Simpson’s new book “Who Was Karl Marx?” and regards it as one of the best books written on the subject in a…
[Premiering at 7PM ET] Who Really Was Karl Marx? How Does He Still Exert Influence Over the American Left?
Who was Karl Marx? From Marx and Nechayev to Lenin, Gramsci, and Black Lives Matter, we are seeing a long-term, well-integrated revolutionary movement on the verge of world domination. Trevor Loudon reviews James Simpson’s new book “Who Was Karl Marx?” and regards it as one of the best books written on the subject in a…
Queen Victoria Is Not Hitler or Stalin, and It Matters
Commentary When people vandalize a statue, for instance of Queen Victoria, I confess to a malevolent urge to leave it there as a squalid monument to their utopian vision, as it once was a dignified one to the society they repudiate. It would just make things worse in a “broken windows” manner, encouraging disorder and…
How Germany’s ‘Deal With the Devil’ Backfired and Changed History
On April 16 in the fateful year of 1917, the Russian communist Vladimir Lenin arrived in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg) from exile in Switzerland. The Germans, with whom Russia had been at war since the summer of 1914, secretly arranged his return, granted him safe passage through Germany, and even gave him millions in gold….
Lenin’s New Economic Policy: When the Soviets Admitted Socialism Doesn’t Work
A century ago, the Mother Ship of Socialism—the Soviet Union—was teetering on the precipice. The Poles had just vanquished the hopes of dictator Vladimir Lenin to sweep across Europe. Under the bludgeon of Marxist central planning, the economy had collapsed to a fraction of its pre-war dimensions. The country was seething in discontent. Insurrection seemed imminent. Indeed,…
The Delusions of a Marxist Professor
When it came to Hitler, Karl Kraus, the Viennese satirist, said that he couldn’t think of anything to say. This sounds odd, first because Hitler was, and will remain, an inexhaustible subject for biographical and psychological speculation, probably beating Napoleon or Stalin in the amount already written about him; and second because Kraus wrote millions…
From Mao to Now: A ‘Progress’ Report on the New Millennium
Commentary Whenever one hears the dreaded pleasantries “diversity,” “tolerance,” or “inclusion,” one knows that another of one’s fundamental democratic liberties is about to be rescinded by the revolutionary guard of progressive orthodoxy. Having witnessed the progressive—in both senses of the word—erosion of the freedoms of speech, religion, and association in Canada, which have fallen faster…
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