Tag: Jamal Khashoggi

Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Saudi Prince Over Khashoggi Killing Citing Biden Immunity

A federal judge in Washington dismissed a lawsuit against Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Tuesday for the 2018 murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, citing President Joe Biden’s grant of immunity. U.S. District Judge John Bates decided to defer to the Biden administration’s mid-November decision to grant immunity to the Saudi crown prince, despite his…

Biden Admin Suggests Saudi Crown Prince Be Granted Immunity in Khashoggi Murder Lawsuit

The Biden administration on Thursday suggested that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman be granted immunity from a lawsuit filed against him over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. In a court filing, the administration noted the crown prince’s appointment as prime minister in September, which they said made him “the sitting head of government of a foreign state.” “Under common…

Saudi Arabian Woman Gets 45 Years in Prison for Sharing Opinions Online: Human Rights Advocates

A Saudia Arabian woman has been sentenced to almost half a century in prison for sharing her opinions online, a human rights organization has reported. Nourah bint Saeed al-Qahtani was sentenced to 45 years in prison in August by the Appellate Division of the Specialized Criminal Court in Saudi Arabia, according to Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN),…

Bernie Sanders Rebukes Biden Visit to Saudi Arabia: Brutal Dictatorship

In comments to ABC This Week host Martha Raddatz on July 17, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said that President Joe Biden should not have rewarded a brutal dictatorship like Saudi Arabia with a visit. In reply to Raddatz’s question whether the visit to Saudi Arabia should have been made, Sanders said,  “No, I don’t think…

Biden Rebuked for Visit to Saudi Arabia: Bernie Sanders

In comments to ABC This Week host Martha Raddatz on July 17, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said that President Joe Biden should not have rewarded a brutal dictatorship like Saudi Arabia with a visit. In reply to Raddatz’s question whether the visit to Saudi Arabia should have been made, Sanders said,  “No, I don’t think…

UAE Sentences Former Khashoggi Lawyer to 3 Years in Prison

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates—The United Arab Emirates has sentenced an American citizen and the former lawyer of Jamal Khashoggi—the dissident Saudi journalist who was killed at Saudi Arabia’s consulate in Istanbul in 2018—to three years in prison on charges of money laundering and tax evasion. The lawyer, U.S. citizen Asim Ghafoor, was also ordered to…

Greg Norman’s Swing of Shame and Sportswashing

Golf greats Greg “The Shark” Norman and Phil “Lefty” Mickelson have made some very controversial statements recently with respect to the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, as Norman leads the new LIV/SGL Golf League, which is backed by billions of Saudi money and a new competitor to the PGA. The creation of this league has…

Prosecutor Seeks End to Khashoggi Murder Trial in Turkey

ANKARA, Turkey—The Turkish prosecutor in the case against 26 Saudi nationals charged in the slaying of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi made a request Thursday that their trial in absentia be suspended and the case transferred to Saudi Arabia. The panel of judges made no ruling on the prosecutor’s request but said a letter would…

Crocodile Tears for Khashoggi Betray Info Op to Promote His Fellow Islamists

Commentary With the Biden administration releasing an intelligence assessment claiming de facto Saudi leader Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) approved the grisly 2018 murder of Jamal Khashoggi, the political-media class is once again shedding crocodile tears over his death. Its purpose is more than performative. It is signaling the dawn of the rebooted Obama-Biden…

Biden Says Saudi Announcement to Come Monday; Official Says No New Steps Expected

WASHINGTON—President Joe Biden on Saturday said his administration would make an announcement on Saudi Arabia on Monday, following the release of a report by the Director of National Intelligence which outlines the assessment of U.S. intelligence on the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The Biden administration has faced criticism in a Washington Post editorial and from others…