Tag: Ideological indoctrination

‘Pushing a False Racist Narrative’: Extremist Educators Not Teaching but Indoctrinating

Radical leftist ideologies have permeated deep into American campuses, and affected the nation’s educational standards as well as perverted decision-making at the highest levels of academia, said Kenny Xu. President of Color Us United—an advocacy group standing against racist policies propagated in the name of equity—and author of the upcoming “School of Woke,” Xu spoke…

‘Pushing a False Racist Narrative’: Extremist Educators Not Teaching but Indoctrinating, Says Advocate

Radical leftist ideologies have permeated deep into American campuses, and affected the nation’s educational standards as well as perverted decision-making at the highest levels of academia, said Kenny Xu. President of Color Us United—an advocacy group standing against racist policies propagated in the name of equity—and author of the upcoming “School of Woke,” Xu spoke…

Anarcho-Tyranny Unleashed in the United States

Commentary The terms anarchy and tyranny seem like they are in contradiction. Anarchy means no state. Tyranny means nothing but state. What possibly could anarcho-tyranny mean? It’s a phrase coined by the right-Hegelian political theorist Samuel Francis, whose dark worldview was never my cup of tea, to say the least. Even so, he was insightful,…

The Revolutionist Playbook in America’s Schools

“My great-grandfather ran from communism,” Alvin Lui says. “The people that dragged him out of his little bakery shop and beat him weren’t soldiers. They were college kids—the Red Guard. And that’s what they’re creating now with these kids, this revolutionist thinking: to hate America and American values, and to drive a wedge into the…