Tag: Huawei

MPs Push for Tighter Rules on UK Public Procurement From Hostile States

The UK is facing “Huawei-level decisions on a range of security measures,” Alicia Kearns, chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, said on Monday as she and a number of MPs called for tighter rules around public procurement. The government “took too long” to strip Huawei—a Chinese telecommunications giant—from the UK’s 5G network, the Conservative MP said…

Saudi Arabia Reluctant to Accept Chinese Yuan for Oil

Commentary Saudi Arabia is unlikely to accept the Chinese yuan for oil despite strengthening ties with China. On Dec. 8, Saudi Arabia and China signed an agreement to have Huawei provide the Kingdom with 5G. Protests from the United States regarding national security are being ignored as Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States court the Chinese…

Ashley Yablon: How I Exposed a CCP Tech Giant’s Elaborate Scheme to Evade US Sanctions

“As I was scrolling through it, I saw a section of the contract that was titled, ‘How we will get around U.S. export laws’ … And I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw that, and I knew that I needed to do something,” says attorney and whistleblower Ashley Yablon. In 2011, Yablon…

PREMIERING 7:30PM ET: Ashley Yablon: How I Exposed a CCP Tech Giant’s Elaborate Scheme to Evade US Sanctions

This episode will premiere on Thursday, Dec. 15, at 7:30 p.m. ET. “As I was scrolling through it, I saw a section of the contract that was titled, ‘How we will get around U.S. export laws’ … And I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw that, and I knew that I needed…

Chaos Looms as China U-Turns on Zero-COVID-19 Policy

The World Health Organization is warning that tough times are ahead for China. Beijing is now U-turning on its zero-COVID-19 policy. Funeral homes in Beijing are struggling to meet increased demand for cremations. Video shows long queues of hearses waiting to store dead bodies. Lawmakers are introducing a new bill in Washington. The goal is…

US Senators Introduce Bill to Restrict Huawei’s Access to American Banks

A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers have introduced a bill to ban Chinese tech company Huawei and CCP owned 5G companies from accessing the American banking system to prevent espionage. The bill, co-sponsored by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) with the backing of fellow senators like Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, (D-N.Y.),…

PREMIERING 12/15 at 7:30PM ET: Ashley Yablon: How I Exposed a CCP Tech Giant’s Elaborate Scheme to Evade US Sanctions

This episode will premiere on Thursday, Dec. 15, at 7:30 p.m. ET. “As I was scrolling through it, I saw a section of the contract that was titled, ‘How we will get around U.S. export laws’ … And I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw that, and I knew that I needed…

RCMP Had Other Large Contract With China-Linked Company in 2019 for Wireless Antennas

The federal government announced on Dec. 8 it was suspending an RCMP contract for radio frequency filter equipment with a China-linked company, but RCMP wireless infrastructure already features hundreds of thousands worth of radio antennas from the same company, contract data shows. The contract that was suspended was for the sum of $549,637 and was…

RCMP Uses Communications Equipment From China-Linked Company

Canada’s federal police service, the RCMP, is using communications technology produced by a Canadian subsidiary of a Chinese multinational blacklisted in the U.S., contracts data from Public Services and Procurement Canada reveal. This information was first reported by CBC News on Dec. 7 and verified by The Epoch Times. In October 2021, a contract worth…

Time to Rid the World of China’s Trojan Horse Communications Gear

Commentary The United States is once again aggressively banning Chinese-manufactured digital communications equipment. Let us all be thankful. On Dec. 2 the Federal Communications Commission expanded and toughened its ban on the “sale and import” of Chinese technology manufactured by firms the FCC determined present an “unacceptable risk” to U.S. national security. The firms include…