Tag: household expenses

Quarter of Americans Would Use Credit Cards for $1,000 Emergency: Poll

A quarter of U.S. citizens would resort to using credit cards when faced with a $1,000 emergency expense, even as credit card interest rates are elevated amid decades-high inflation. When asked how they would pay for a $1,000 emergency, 25 percent of respondents to a Feb. 23 survey by Bankrate replied they would finance the…

30 Household Expenses You Can Cut

Owning a home is a great goal to have. However, once you have ownership—there are some easy-to-miss expenses that you no longer want to afford. These are fees that may be costing you more than you think. Here are 30 household expenses you can cut. 1) Cable or Satellite TV Subscriptions The whole world is…

Soaring Inflation Gave Americans a Wage Cut for Seventeenth Month in a Row in August

Rising prices are eating into the earnings of Americans, with inflation outpacing wages for the seventeenth month in a row in August during the Biden administration. The 12-month Consumer Price index (CPI), which measures inflation over a one-year period, came in at 8.3 percent in August, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor…