Tag: Homeschooling

Homeschool Tips: How to Organize Your Home Life

About to embark on your first year as a homeschooling parent? Maybe you’ve been at it for a while or it’s just something you’re considering. Either way, you may be wondering how to simultaneously get the household chores done and your regular to-do list checked while homeschooling. Homeschooling adds a level of complexity to the…

Homeschool Is Not School at Home

If you are one of the ever-growing number of parents choosing to homeschool your children for the first time this year, please allow me to save you from a common misconception that delays families from reaping the benefits of what a homeschooling lifestyle has to offer. Perhaps you experienced what your children’s school termed “virtual…

Redefining Education Into Something Less Frightening

In “Definition of Education,” Sam Sorbo continues her crusade on the importance of homeschooling and the ways in which the public school system has indoctrinated parents into believing they aren’t qualified to teach their own children—instead leaving it to “the professionals.” Even when “the professionals” have proven time and again not to be truly interested…

Teaching Literature: A Guide for Homeschoolers

Homeschooling parents may find the prospect of teaching their children to read a straightforward endeavor. When it comes to teaching their children literature, however, many find themselves ill-equipped. One resource worth consulting is the CenterForLit, an organization that provides educators and reading enthusiasts tools and guides for exploring and enjoying literary classics. Adam Andrews and…

Advice for New Homeschoolers

The number of families choosing the path of homeschool continues to skyrocket, according to experts. If you listen closely, you may hear the claps and cheers of millions of experienced homeschooling families who know well the great blessing newcomers are bestowing upon their families with this choice. Of course, the homeschool route isn’t the easiest…

Good, True, Beautiful: Great Literature for Middle-School Students

Some readers may be homeschooling their children this year. Others may have enrolled them in private, public, or charter schools. But whatever means we have selected for our children’s education, the desired end results for all of us are pretty much the same. We want our kids to leave high school not only with a…

Homeschool Science: Expert Tips to Make It Fun and Simple

It seems that more parents than ever before are preparing to homeschool their children this coming school year. Some have been at this for a while, and some are embarking on their first year along this path. As they gather materials and plan field trips, going down the list of subjects to include in the…

[Premiering at 6PM ET] Reconditioning | School’s Out

This is a show about education: what you don’t know, what you should know, and what to do about it. If you feel like educating your own children is too hard for you, it’s because you are conditioned to think that way. This show is for you! In this video series, we will explore homeschooling—the taboos,…

Reconditioning | School’s Out

This is a show about education: what you don’t know, what you should know, and what to do about it. If you feel like educating your own children is too hard for you, it’s because you are conditioned to think that way. This show is for you! In this video series, we will explore homeschooling—the taboos,…

Homeschool Applications Double in California

The number of home school applications submitted to the California Department of Education (DOE) soared during the 2020-2021 school year, state data indicates. There were 34,715 private school affidavits (PSAs) for five children or less submitted during the most recent curricular year. In California, homeschools are recognized as private schools, and homeschooling families are required to…