Tag: high demand

Limited Quantity of Ontario Icewine Likely toMake 2020 Bottles in High Demand

TORONTO—The smallest ever recorded amount of Ontario grapes designated for icewine is likely to create a high demand for 2020 bottles of the super sweet treat. VQA Ontario, the province’s wine regulator, reported just more than 1,000 tonnes of grapes registered for icewines this year, down from almost 6,000 tonnes last year. It’s a record…

Limited Quantity of Ontario Icewine Likely to Make 2020 Bottles in High Demand

TORONTO—The smallest ever recorded amount of Ontario grapes designated for icewine is likely to create a high demand for 2020 bottles of the super sweet treat. VQA Ontario, the province’s wine regulator, reported just more than 1,000 tonnes of grapes registered for icewines this year, down from almost 6,000 tonnes last year. It’s a record…