Tag: Health & Safety

3 Years With COVID-19: The Real Story and Its Connection to the Erosion of Democracy

In Pieter Bruegel’s painting “Landscape With the Fall of Icarus,” the canvas is dominated by workers going about their daily routines. A person looking at the painting must strain to find the legs of Icarus as he plunges into the sea—having flown too close to the sun—resulting in the melting of his wings, made of…

Deep Sleep May Lower Alzheimer Memory Loss in Older Adults: Study

Older adults who struggle with memory loss, cognitive decline, and Alzheimer’s disease can find hope in the power of sleep. Recent research suggests that deep, non-REM sleep may provide protection against Alzheimer’s disease, an all too common form of dementia. Those results could prove to be a beacon of hope for sufferers and their families…

Sea Cucumber Delicacy May Deter Diabetes

Sea cucumber—an exotic marine delicacy popular in Asian countries—can prevent diabetes, according to a study by the University of South Australia (UniSA) in collaboration with Fiji National University and the University of the Sunshine Coast. Examining the medicinal properties of sea cucumbers, the researchers discovered that a dried version of the delicacy combined with salt…

Causes and Treatments of SIBO

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) has a reputation for being significantly underdiagnosed as many of its symptoms are similar to other health issues. Research suggests that up to 60 percent of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is caused by SIBO and that it affects at least 6 to 15 percent of healthy, asymptomatic people. The actual number of people…

Struggling with REM Sleep? Castor Oil and Other Surprising Solutions!

How do we get more REM sleep? Castor oil and other methods. Michael Jackson forgot standard dances and words to songs he’d sung for decades when he went 60 days without REM sleep. He even talked to himself, heard voices, and lost a lot of weight while deprived of REM. What vital processes in our…

Tired After Lunch? Try This

At some point, everyone has felt like they could really, really use a nap after lunch. The phenomenon of the “afternoon slump,” or post-lunch drowsiness, is so common that the medical community has given it an official name—postprandial somnolence. The post-meal feeling of tiredness and lethargy can make it hard to concentrate on afternoon work…

Germany’s Distinctly Different Approach to Health Care

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” This famous quote of inventor and businessman Thomas Edison may strike us as prescient given the explosion of information about the lifestyle factors of disease….

Germany Maintains Its Traditional Medicinal Practices

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” This famous quote of inventor and businessman Thomas Edison may strike us as prescient given the explosion of information about the lifestyle factors of disease….

How to Reduce Fluoride Exposure and Toxicity

In this series, we explore the contentious findings surrounding fluoridation of the U.S. public water supply and answer the question of whether water fluoridation poses a risk and what we should do about it. Previously: The National Toxicology Program’s six-year systematic review on the neurotoxic effects of fluoride has been heavily delayed and mired in government…

New Study Shows Widely Used Sweetener Contains Chemical Compound That Can Damage DNA

A new study from the North Carolina State University has revealed a link between a widely used sweetener and a chemical compound known to cause DNA damage. The study found the chemical is formed when digesting the sweetener and trace amounts of the chemical are also found in the sweetener itself. Sucralose is widely distributed…