Tag: Have you heard about this?

Why Butter Is Better

In the early 1900s, Americans consumed about 18 pounds of butter per person per year—and that doesn’t include the butterfat they got from whole milk, cream, and cheese. Today that number stands at about five pounds, a slight increase over the last few years from a low of four pounds per person per year. What…

Salt–An Essential Dietary Nutrient

Everyone likes to talk about the good ol’ days, and in food circles, we hark back to ancestral diets that were more natural and more nutritious. However, in one respect, modern people enjoy a huge advantage over their ancestors: Everybody in the world today has access to plentiful, inexpensive salt. An interesting article on the…

Propaganda Images Used by Communist Regimes to Indoctrinate Masses

With hundreds of millions of images posted on the internet or published in media across the world, have you ever considered if what you’re looking at is something genuine or just another piece of propaganda? In the era of fake news, there are instances where images are carefully crafted to create a false impression and…

‘The Evil CCP Will Crumble’: Polish-Born Artist Depicts Children Persecuted in China

For one Polish-born artist who grew up under communist rule in the ‘50s and ‘60s, learning of the persecution endured by families and children of faith in modern-day China was shocking, but not surprising. Having lived through oppression herself as a child during Poland’s post-Stalinist era lends credence to one of her paintings in which…

‘I Told Myself That I Wouldn’t Die’: Chinese Woman’s Resilience in the Face of Brutal Torture Over Her Faith

A Chinese woman braved through hellish abuse and physical assault to honor her spiritual belief rooted in the universal principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. Li Erying, of Qiqihar city, in Heilongjiang province, China, was incarcerated for four years without her family’s knowledge in a trial that she herself knew nothing about until she was…

‘Communism Has Infiltrated America and the World,’ Warns a Persecuted Chinese Refugee

A Chinese woman who fled overseas in late 2019 has endured a life many in the West would find unfathomable. Unlawfully incarcerated and tortured in Chinese prisons for her faith, she describes her experience as “hell.” Countless like her have suffered far worse at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), thus, having escaped…

Young Mom Beats Breast Cancer With Falun Gong Exercises, Gives Birth to 3rd Child

A young mother felt like she was given a death sentence when doctors said her stage-3 breast cancer was linked to an estrogen disorder, which required “turning off” the functions of her ovaries. Struggling to endure the painful treatments, she battled through scary visions of her own funeral. Fortunately, during the darkest days of her…

Mass Rape, Sexual Abuse: Communist China’s Genocidal Tool to Eliminate Faith

As the world is celebrating International Women’s Day, let’s not forget the horrifying abuses that mothers and sisters, and even grandmothers, are subjected to in the land of communist China. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) came to power in 1949, it has been employing unethical ways to persecute citizens and crack down on spiritual…

‘The Light of Hope’: Music Video Urges People to Reject the ‘Poison of Communism’

The music video “The Light of Hope,” produced by a London-based Indie band, is a shining spark of hope amid the chaotic despair spread by the “poison of communism.” The song’s thought-provoking lyrics and gripping visuals based on significant events of modern-day history hint at the concluding battle between good and evil and the impending…

A Love Story From Communist China: Woman Jailed for Faith Escapes With Fiancé’s Help

After braving two years of relentless torture in a communist forced-labor camp in China, a woman was safely rescued to Australia by her fiancé nearly 20 years ago. The couple, now in their 50s, recounted to The Epoch Times their soul-stirring journey through the darkest days of life, exposing the injustices happening behind the closed…