Tag: Gut health

Don’t Underestimate How Your Brain Impacts Your Gut

Have you ever felt a little nauseous before giving a presentation or experienced some stomach pain during stressful events? If you have, it should be a clear indication of how closely your gut and brain interact. But it can go much further than those examples. After years of research, there’s little doubt that emotional and…

The War Against an Underrated yet Essential Food in Our Diet

Nutrition is a field of contradictions and changing fads. In recent decades, most schools and teachers encourage a diet high in grains and vegetables, moderate protein, and low fats and oils. Over the years, paleo, keto, vegan, and various diets that contradict each other have come and gone. However, amidst it all, is an important…

Is Low Stomach Acid Damaging Your Health?

When it comes to stomach acid, most people think they have too much. Problems such as heartburn, acid reflux or indigestion are often attributed to excess stomach acid. But in many cases, it’s not the case at all. In fact, these problems may be due to LOW stomach acid. This can lead to further problems…

Gut Troubles

Everyone has pain or discomfort in their gut occasionally. Maybe you ate something that didn’t agree with you. Or you had an infection that made you sick to your stomach for a few days. But if pain and other gut symptoms go on for weeks or longer, something more serious might be wrong. Digestive system…

This Common Medicine Kills Your Gut Bacteria, Here’s How to Prevent That

In recent years, antibiotics abuse has become increasingly serious. We even take antibiotics to cure colds, even when they’re caused by viruses and not bacteria. The only function of antibiotics is to kill bacteria, such as gastroenteritis-causing salmonella, but people mistakenly, and frequently, think strong antibiotics are a cure-all for common ailments. We now know…

Gluten Often Causes Brain Symptoms, Not Gut Symptoms

Research shows most cases of gluten sensitivity manifest in the brain—not the gut. In fact, gluten’s impact on the brain is so well established that some researchers refer to gluten sensitivity as a neurological disease. Gluten is one of the most immune-reactive foods—no other food is more of a trigger for neurological dysfunction and neurological…

Five Best Practices For a Healthy Microbiome

Three years ago I wrote an article entitled, “New Chinese Medicine Tools to Replenish and Repair Our Gut” for the OM Newspaper. In that article I discussed recent research and ideas on how those practicing Eastern Asian Medicine can identify themselves as experts in helping patients achieve a “healthy gut” and rightfully take their place…

How Having a Concussion Can Damage Your Digestion

Several years ago, Brooke Gottlieb started having a plethora of gastrointestinal digestive issues that baffled her doctors. In high school at the time, Gottlieb was a competitive lacrosse player. She was used to dealing with sore muscles, bruises, and joint pain. Her tummy troubles began after she had a serious concussion playing lacrosse. But it…

Heal Your Gut to Reverse Autoimmune Disease

Health Begins In the Gut.  From a clinical standpoint, insofar as functional medicine is concerned, whether you present with rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, or systemic lupus erythematosus—the fundamental objective is the same: heal the gut. Hippocrates understood the inextricably intertwined relationship between the systemic health of the organism and the nine-meter tube from…

Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic inflammatory condition consisting of muscular and joint pain and fatigue.  Three to five percent of the population suffers with this condition; more than eighty percent are women.  This is one of the fastest growing disabling conditions in the US. You can beat Fibromyalgia with natural lifestyle strategies. Fibromyalgia is classically diagnosed…