Tag: food allergy

Experts Find Gene Mechanism for Peanut Allergy Remission, Potential Uses for Other Allergies

Researchers from the Murdoch Institute have identified the genetic mechanism behind their peanut allergy remission therapy, with the potential for it to be applicable across other allergies. “What we found was profound differences in network connectivity patterns between children who were allergic and those who were in remission,” said lead researcher Dr. Mimi Tang on…

Crocodile Meat Can Trigger Anaphylaxis in Fish-Allergic Individuals, Experts Warn

A study conducted by James Cook University has found that crocodile meat can trigger dangerous allergic responses if consumed by people that are allergic to fish. “Fish allergy affects up to three percent of the general population and frequently results in life-threatening anaphylaxis,” said lead researcher Dr Thimos Reuthers. Crocodile meats are typically considered to…

Not Losing Weight? It Could Be Due to a Food Sensitivity or Allergy

Have you ever eaten something and noticed that you could feel mucus forming at the back of your throat? And the next thing you knew, you were “ahem”-ing and coughing to clear your throat? Perhaps you get gas, bloating or headaches after eating certain foods. Not everyone has the same signs or level of sensitivity, but over…