Tag: flossing

Should You Floss Before or After You Brush?

How good is the evidence that flossing is effective, and what have randomized controlled trials shown is the optimal toothbrushing and flossing sequence? “Over the years, it has been generally accepted that [the use of] dental floss has a positive effect,”  removing up to 80% of plaque. How do we know? You can use what’s…

Flossing Controversy? Here are the Pros and Cons

In addition to brushing our teeth, we should also floss every day. However, there have always been controversies about whether or not flossing is good for our teeth. And some studies have found that some dental floss contains carcinogens. Then, should we still floss or not? Many studies have proven that oral diseases are highly…

Why You Might Want to Quit Flossing Your Teeth

When she was in her mid-50s, my mother had a dentist who told her that if she didn’t floss her teeth, they would fall out of her mouth and she would have to get dentures. After his warning, flossing became something of an obsession. “Don’t forget to floss” is a reminder you’ve heard a thousand…