Tag: exposure

Avoiding Adult Exposure to Phthalates

Most of the attention on phthalates, a group of hormone-disrupting chemicals found in PVC plastics, has been on fetal and child health, particularly regarding genital and behavioral development, such as incomplete virilization in infant boys and reduced masculine play as they grow up, and for girls, an earlier onset of puberty, but what about affecting…

Is It a Crime to Be Exposed?

Imagine you’re back in pre-school. You’re sitting on the rug, listening to the teacher read a storybook. Suddenly, the nurse calls into the classroom. “Mrs. Jones? Can you send Bobby to the health office right away?” You’re not sick, and you don’t take any medicines at school like your friend Michael does. Why do you…

Whitmer Kidnap Trial Postponed Amid COVID-19 Exposure

By Robert Snell From The Detroit News A key participant in the trial of four men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has tested positive for COVID-19, forcing the judge to halt one of the nation’s most important cases of alleged extremism. Chief U.S. District Judge Robert Jonker postponed the trial in…

Important Things to Know About Radon Exposure

Radon is present at high levels in a surprisingly large number of American homes, schools and other buildings. While this naturally occurring gas is odorless, tasteless, and colorless, it’s far from harmless. Experts are raising awareness about the serious health risks associated with radon exposure and what you can do about it. “Elevated radon in…

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Says He Is Isolating After Learning of COVID Exposure

OTTAWA—Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he is isolating at home after learning that he was exposed to someone who had tested positive for COVID-19. The prime minister says in a tweet that he learned about the exposure just last night. He says the result of a rapid antigen test he took was negative, but he…