Tag: eviction moratorium

Supreme Court Lifts Part of New York State’s Eviction Moratorium

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday struck down a part of New York state’s pandemic-related eviction moratorium. New York state’s moratorium, in place since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, has been extended twice and is set to expire on Aug. 31. In a 6–3 decision, the court granted an emergency request sought by a group…

Protracted Rent Moratorium Forcing Small Landlords Out of Business

Extended rent moratoriums and the slow distribution of billions in federal rent assistance are driving many small landlords to call it quits. “Nobody wants to become a landlord anymore,” said Diane Baird, executive director of the Lake Erie Landlord Association. “And we have very few new people entering into the business.” The Lake Erie Landlord…

Protracted Rent Moratoriums Forcing Small Landlords Out of Business

Extended rent moratoriums and the slow distribution of billions in federal rent assistance are driving many small landlords to call it quits. “Nobody wants to become a landlord anymore,” said Diane Baird, executive director of the Lake Erie Landlord Association, which represents landlords in northern Ohio, southern Michigan, and western Pennsylvania. “And we have very few…

Sen. Toomey Launches Effort to End Eviction Moratorium, Asks GAO for Rush Opinion

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) asked the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the congressional investigative arm, on Aug. 11 for a rush review of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) extended renters’ eviction moratorium. Toomey wants GAO to determine whether the moratorium recently ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court but extended at the direction…

Tenant Eviction Moratoria Are More Than Unconstitutional; They’re Insurrectionary

Commentary State and federal tenant eviction moratoria go beyond “unconstitutional.” They’re a direct assault on the constitutional order itself. They represent insurrection from above. I’m not prone to overstatement. Read on. Surf the web, and you’ll find many critics of the moratoria—even in the establishment media. Under special fire is President Joe Biden’s purported extension…

Eviction Moratoriums Hurt Those They Seek to Help

Commentary Joe Biden’s renewed eviction moratorium will hurt not only landlords, but the tenants he seeks to help. The Epoch Times has published some excellent articles on how Biden’s action slams small landlords and is a sop to the far left. I want to emphasize something else: property rights. It’s even more important than the…

California Landlords Wait to Receive Rent Back-Pay From the State

Southern California landlords are eagerly waiting to receive tenant rent back-pay from the state amid the ongoing eviction moratorium set to expire Sept. 30. It’s been about a month since landlord Carrie Cunningham-Holmes submitted paperwork to the state to receive back pay for her tenant’s unpaid rent in Los Angeles County. While Cunningham-Holmes has nearly ten…

Landlords, Real Estate Groups Issue Legal Challenge to CDC’s New Eviction Moratorium

A group of real estate entities on Wednesday night issued a legal challenge in a D.C. district court to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) new eviction moratorium. Landlords, real-estate companies, and property-management groups, including the Alabama Association of Realtors and its counterpart in Georgia, argued in their emergency motion that the latest…

Landlords, Real Estate Groups Ask Judge to Block CDC’s New Eviction Moratorium

A group of real estate entities on Wednesday night issued a legal challenge in a D.C. district court to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) new eviction moratorium. Landlords, real-estate companies, and property-management groups, including the Alabama Association of Realtors and its counterpart in Georgia, argued in their emergency motion that the latest…

NTD Business Full Broadcast (Aug. 4)

The CDC extends the eviction moratorium for two months. We talk to a Chicago property owner and get his thoughts on how to help landlords and tenants alike. Kroger announced today that it’s entering the restaurant business. It’s partnering up with a startup and soon, you will see kitchens open inside its supermarkets. Mergers and…