Tag: EU-China trade

New German Government Is Alliance Opportunity Against the CCP

News Analysis Germany’s Angela Merkel is on the way out and a new government is coming—potentially the Greens, which takes a stronger stand against Beijing’s human rights abuses. A new coalition government is expected in Germany soon and the Greens might be taking the foreign policy portfolio. This is good and bad news for those…

Xi Jinping Tones Down Aggressive Rhetoric During Meeting With European Leaders

Commentary Xi Jinping held a video summit with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on July 5. Chinese official media focused on the EU-China investment agreement and claimed that Macron and Merkel are in favor of ratifying the deal, but such support wasn’t mentioned in the statements issued by France and Germany….

‘Partner’ or ‘Systemic Rival’: EU Finds Itself at a Crossroads on Its China Policy

Commentary The EU’s policy toward China is at a historic crossroads, and at times, swinging from side to side and contradicting itself, as revealed by the important events that have occurred recently. On March 25, Biden attended the EU summit—the first time since 2009 that a U.S. president had joined talks with the EU’s 27…