Tag: EU-China relations

Europe’s Hardening Viewpoint Toward China

Commentary As the Chinese regime continues to treat the world like it treats its own citizens, the European Union is stepping up to confront Beijing. If not a new role, it is certainly a new level of engagement for the EU against the regime’s appalling oppression of its people. The EU’s responses toward China over…

Xi Jinping Tones Down Aggressive Rhetoric During Meeting With European Leaders

Commentary Xi Jinping held a video summit with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on July 5. Chinese official media focused on the EU-China investment agreement and claimed that Macron and Merkel are in favor of ratifying the deal, but such support wasn’t mentioned in the statements issued by France and Germany….

German Official Rebukes Hungary for Blocking EU Criticism of China

BERLIN/BRUSSELS—Hungary’s decision to block a European Union statement criticizing China’s Hong Kong policy was condemned on Friday by a senior Germany official, who said the bloc’s foreign policy was being undermined. “Hungary again blocked an EU statement on Hong Kong. Three weeks ago it was on the Middle East. Common foreign and security policy cannot…

‘Partner’ or ‘Systemic Rival’: EU Finds Itself at a Crossroads on Its China Policy

Commentary The EU’s policy toward China is at a historic crossroads, and at times, swinging from side to side and contradicting itself, as revealed by the important events that have occurred recently. On March 25, Biden attended the EU summit—the first time since 2009 that a U.S. president had joined talks with the EU’s 27…

Europe Challenges China on Human Rights, South China Sea Aggression

The European Union condemned the Chinese regime’s human rights record during a recent meeting, while the latter tried to court more trade and investment with central and eastern European countries. Around the same time, France sent a warship and submarine to the South China Sea for a “freedom of navigation” patrol, to Beijing’s ire. Some…