Tag: ESG

Is ESG Emerging as the Next CRT in Electoral Politics?

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) has been one of the most popular investment trends in recent years. While it encourages businesses to be more environmentally and socially responsible, it’s frequently criticized for advancing a “woke” agenda. Republican state governors like Florida’s Ron DeSantis and Texas’s Greg Abbott are among many who speak out against ESG….

Joe Biden’s Energy Crisis

Commentary The West is experiencing its third energy crisis. The first, in 1973, was caused by the near-quintupling of the price of crude oil by Gulf oil producers in response to America’s support for Israel in the Yom Kippur war. Their action brought an end to what the French call the trente glorieuses—the unprecedented post–World…

US Farmers Grab the Lobbying Pitchforks as Greens Sow Costly New Reporting Mandates

Echoing conflicts from Sri Lanka to Canada to the Netherlands, tensions between farmers and green-minded government policymakers are building in the United States, where producers are squaring off against a costly proposed federal mandate for greenhouse-gas reporting from corporate supply chains. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in March proposed requiring large corporations, including agribusinesses and food companies, to report…

Americans Must Fight Against ESG Agenda to Save Economy, Way of Life: West Virginia Treasurer

West Virginia recently joined a growing number of states to divest from companies that are implementing global environmental, social, and governance standards (ESG) that demonize fossil fuels and prioritize social justice initiatives. Because West Virginia’s economy relies heavily on fossil fuel revenue, state Treasurer Riley Moore has put these ESG companies on a restricted list,…

PREMIERING 7:30PM ET: ESG Could ‘Become Part of Our Credit Scores’: W.Va. State Treasurer Riley Moore on Ending Contracts With Companies Adopting ESG

This episode will premiere on Thursday, Sept. 22, at 7:30 p.m. ET. From Our Sponsor: Why Now Is the Time to Buy Gold & Silver with Goldco. Call 855-973-0470 for your FREE Wealth Protection Kit Today! “So, there’s a big game kind of going on here, but they’re making a killing off of these ESG…

ESG Could ‘Become Part of Our Credit Scores’: W.Va. State Treasurer Riley Moore on Ending Contracts With Companies Adopting ESG

From Our Sponsor: Why Now Is the Time to Buy Gold & Silver with Goldco. Call 855-973-0470 for your FREE Wealth Protection Kit Today! “So, there’s a big game kind of going on here, but they’re making a killing off of these ESG products. And why are they able to do that? Well, they’re charging…

An Oil Company Shows Wall Street How to Do ESG

Commentary In his essential book, “How the World Really Works,” scientist Vaclav Smil writes of modern urbanites’ profound ignorance about the energy and material requirements of the modern world. “We are a fossil-fueled civilization,” Smil writes. “We cannot simply walk away from this essential determinant of our future in a few decades, never mind years.”…

China’s Brand of ESG Another Hurdle in Sustainable Investment Movement

News Analysis With the explosive global growth in ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investing, also known as sustainable investing, it’s no exception in China where ESG funds are proliferating and there are even Canadian offerings. One of ESG’s confounding aspects, however, remains that those three criteria mean different things to different people and that China…

Do US Business Elites Really Believe Woke Ideology?

Commentary With investment firms such as BlackRock demanding that companies meet environmental, social, and governance (ESG) benchmarks if they want investors’ money, U.S. corporate elites seem to have adopted a left-wing worldview. Does it mean that Big Finance is on the verge of going Red? No. It’s just a fashionable ideological cover Wall Street is…