Tag: Environmental

Soil-Friendly Farming Produces Healthier Food

New research shows how regenerative farming practices—soil-building techniques that minimize plowing, use cover crops, and plant diverse crops—affect the nutritional content of the food. Results of the preliminary experiment, which included 10 farms across the US, show that the crops from farms following soil-friendly practices for at least five years had a healthier nutritional profile…

Microplastics and Pollution Combine to Become Much More Toxic: Study

Microplastics can pick up pollution in their travels and pose an even greater threat to human health, according to a new study. In the ocean, for example, toxic compounds can hitch a ride on plastic and make the material 10 times more toxic than it would normally be, according to the research published earlier this year…

Healthy Soil Is the Real Key to Feeding the World

One of the biggest modern myths about agriculture is that organic farming is inherently sustainable. It can be, but it isn’t necessarily. After all, soil erosion from chemical-free tilled fields undermined the Roman Empire and other ancient societies around the world. Other agricultural myths hinder recognizing the potential to restore degraded soils to feed the…

Potential Adverse Effects of GE Mosquitoes Unknown

“Safe and sustainable.” That’s what Oxitec, a British biological pest control company, calls its genetically modified (GM) or genetically engineered (GE) mosquito pesticide product. The company claims its product is nontoxic to humans and animals and won’t harm beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies. The experiment’s goal is to test the use of GE…

Evidence of PFAS in organic pasta sauces

Four popular organic pasta sauces have detectable levels of fluorine, an indicator of toxic PFAS, according to a new report from Mamavation. Partnering with EHN.org, the environmental wellness blog and community Mamavation tested 55 sauces and found levels of fluorine ranging from 10 parts per million (ppm) up to 21 ppm in four of the sauces: 365 Whole…

Our Need for Community Can’t Be Digitized

Human beings harbor a deep need to belong. On a biological level, belonging is survival: If we’re not part of the herd, we’re left behind and die. In modern times, we need to belong to something larger than just ourselves to survive emotionally. We need to belong to feel accepted, loved, known, and, in a…

Processed Meat Like Bacon Causes Cancer: International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has published a report classifying processed meat like bacon, hot dogs, lunch meat as a Group 1 carcinogen. How has that revelation been received by governments and industry? And just how much cancer does processed meat cause? I’ll answer those questions in this two-part series. “It is [perhaps]…

How EMF Radiation Can Impact Your Body’s Athletic Performance & Recovery

From P.E. class in elementary school to the 5am spin class that sounded like a better idea the night before, exercise is an important part of our lives. For some, it’s more of a lifestyle. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adults aim for 30 minutes of physical activity a day. Benefits of exercise include…

Not Losing Weight? It Could Be Due to a Food Sensitivity or Allergy

Have you ever eaten something and noticed that you could feel mucus forming at the back of your throat? And the next thing you knew, you were “ahem”-ing and coughing to clear your throat? Perhaps you get gas, bloating or headaches after eating certain foods. Not everyone has the same signs or level of sensitivity, but over…

Top Five Tips to Avoid Dangerous Chemicals

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are linked to cognitive deficits, obesity, diabetes, male and female reproductive dysfunction, birth defects, cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases. STORY AT-A-GLANCE Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are linked to many negative health effects and it is important to avoid exposure as much as possible EDCs lurk in food packaging, nonorganic food, nonstick cookware, detergents,…