Tag: Edith Cowan University

Genetic Study on Oats Reveal Why the Grain is Suitable for Gluten-Free Diets

The Edith Cowan University’s (ECU) genetic study on oats has shown why oats could be the answer for most people with coeliac disease and gluten intolerance. “We discovered that oats have fewer of the proteins that correspond to gluten in wheat, causing an immune reaction from people with coeliac disease,” said ECU Prof. Michelle Colgrave…

Study Links Eating a Diet Rich in Fruit and Vegetables With Less Stress

In today’s world, stress is prevalent. Researchers are currently looking for ways to reduce stress through lifestyle interventions. A new study from Edith Cowan University (ECU) has found that eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is associated with less stress. The Australian Diabetes and Lifestyle (AusDiab) Study aimed to find a link between…