Tag: digestion

How Having a Concussion Can Damage Your Digestion

Several years ago, Brooke Gottlieb started having a plethora of gastrointestinal digestive issues that baffled her doctors. In high school at the time, Gottlieb was a competitive lacrosse player. She was used to dealing with sore muscles, bruises, and joint pain. Her tummy troubles began after she had a serious concussion playing lacrosse. But it…

Tending to Food Sensitivities

The confusion over food sensitivities, intolerances, and allergies can make it difficult for those suffering reactions to find relief. While some go on a journey to uncover root causes, others desperately try anything to feel better, sometimes finding themselves immersed in a variety of tests with different specialists who seem to contradict one another with…

Flashback Friday: Childhood Constipation and Cow’s Milk

The elimination of all dairy products was found to cure constipation in up to 100% of kids tested, leading to a resolution of rectal inflammation and complications such as anal fissures. …

Sauerkraut: Embracing the Sweetness of Sour Cabbage

Sauerkraut is a seemingly simple classic German food, made from only two ingredients, but it’s rich in health benefits and versatility. It’s also one of the easiest and healthiest foods to make at home—and one that kids can help prepare.  Are you ready to embrace sour cabbage? What Is Sauerkraut? Sauerkraut is a combination of…

Better Than Laxatives: The “King of Fruit” Helps to Relieve Constipation

When it comes to regularity, almost everybody needs a little help “moving things along” at one time or another.  But for millions of Americans, the problem is not just an occasional “glitch” in routine but a frequent occurrence.  According to a recent review published in Gastroenterology, 16 percent of Americans suffer from chronic constipation – with the…

7 Causes and 2 Cures for Stomach Cramps

Stomach cramps are also called gastro spasms, which can feel like a sharp pain in the abdomen and can in serious cases even result in vomiting. In our busy lives, it’s very common for us to have lunch while working at the same time. Sometimes, after eating some spicy food, one may experience upper abdominal…

The Surprising Causes Behind the Insulin Resistance Epidemic

The fact that insulin resistance has become a global pandemic is also a topic of recent debate. Insulin resistance is a worrisome culprit in diseases from obesity to pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes, to dementia. But what is the root cause of insulin resistance? “Insulin resistance is a pandemic that you’ve never heard of,” said…

New Study Suggests Hypnotherapy Can Help Relieve IBS Symptoms

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), one of the most common chronic disorders, is estimated to affect at least one in ten people globally and as many as one in five Americans have symptoms of IBS. Emotional disturbance and stress caused by today’s fast-paced lifestyles have been linked to a wide range of digestive problems, including IBS,…

Going Gluten-Free to Improve Skin? The Food You Need to Avoid Is Actually Something Else

In recent years, the gluten-free diet (GFD) has become commonly mentioned. Some people believe that gluten is the main culprit for bad skin conditions. Is it really the cause though? Gluten is a protein commonly found in wheat, barley, rye, and some oats. A gluten-free diet means avoiding foods that contain gluten, including bread, noodles,…

It’s OK to Not Have a Bowel Movement Every Day

Many people believe that they should have one bowel movement per day (preferably in the morning), and that the process should be relaxing and smooth, with a stool that is neither too soft nor too hard. But does that mean if your bowel movements aren’t as such, they can’t be considered normal? A Swiss study…