Tag: Dear Next Generation

Dear Next Generation: The Power of Thank-You Notes

Having an attitude of gratitude can help an individual, especially younger individuals and those early in their careers, to maximize their potential. There was a cartoon in a national magazine several years ago that depicted a man with a clipboard talking to two parents of a child sitting at a desk who had apparently just…

Dear Next Generation: ‘It All Began With Chores’

Children need chores: washing dishes, washing windows, sweeping the deck, dusting the house, vacuuming, keeping their room clean. My Army son trained his four kids, and each of them had assigned things. After a while, they went right to their chores. Their family is most stable and happy. When my boys were young, we had…

Dear Next Generation: Go Ask Your Mother!

Go Ask Your Mother! My mom’s pink and white pajamas fit me well. The soft material made me feel I was being surrounded by one of her hugs. Because she had lost a lot of weight, I inherited some of her barely-worn clothes. Communication was muddled from my mother’s pain and medications. My regrets grew…

Dear Next Generation: ‘My Baker’s Dozen’: Advice to My Grandchildren

I spent 22 years in the U.S. Army and another 20 years in the Pentagon as a contractor. Based on my personal experience and my reading of history, this is what I am trying to pass on to my grandsons: 1. As Winston Churchill said, “Never, never, never quit.” A saying we had in Ranger…

Dear Next Generation: ‘Grandpa’s Dozen’ and Career Advice

I wrote this list when blessed with having—from my daughter and son-in-law, three grandsons (my son later added another grandson). This list, to me, has stood for at least a short test of time as the grandsons are now ages 8 to 13. Every item in “Grandpa’s Dozen” is worthy of a discussion, and every…

Dear Next Generation: Advice to My Future Great-Grandchildren

The advice I leave here for my future great-grandchildren is the same I give to my children and grandchildren if they were to ask me. First things first: 1. Make the Lord our God your #1. Know him personally, accept him, pray to him, and worship him. I regularly pray for all of you. When…

Dear Next Generation: ‘Teach Children to Think of Others’

In the aftermath of receiving a verbal tongue lashing from a close relative, my downcast grandmother shared this piece of wisdom with me: “An unkind word spoken in haste can never be retrieved.” Those words have stayed with me over the years and helped me to hold MY tongue many times. Jeanine Trofholz, Nebraska ___________…

Dear Next Generation: Lessons to Remember

There are so many skills lost by one single generation failing to pass along their knowledge and wisdom to their children. How to live simply, how to live within one’s means, how to build a fire or cook on a wood-burning stove, and how to prepare foods and meals passed down for generations have become…

Dear Next Generation: Our Conscience, Not Emotions, Should Guide Us on This Earthly Journey

Dear Next Generation: My experience has taught me that living by the principles of truth and justice is essential to leading a fulfilling life. Today’s culture tries to persuade us that feelings should become the principal influence in our decision-making. Yet it is self-discipline and sacrifice that compel us to achieve the selfless goals that…

Dear Next Generation: ‘Are You “Real” or Are You a “Fake”‘?

I was born in 1960 and remember the rebellion against authority that spawned from the Vietnam War. That was an unsettled time when people turned away from God and their parents, grandparents, teachers, and governing authorities. The respect for family and moral values was forever changed. Since that time, television, computers, the internet, and social…