Tag: Credit Scores

10 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Excerpted from Dirty Little Secrets: What the Credit Bureaus Won’t Tell You The information on your credit report directly impacts your credit score. In fact, it’s the only thing that impacts your score. Your credit score in turn determines your ability to obtain credit and potentially be approved for loans. Having a poor credit score…

8 Tactics to Break Credit Card Debt Cycles

Upon paying off between $12,000 and $15,000 in credit card debt in 2019, Yamiesha Bell, a special education teacher in New York, didn’t break up with her credit cards. With goals to buy a car and a house, Bell hoped to preserve her credit history by keeping her cards open and active. “I needed to…

How Buy Now, Pay Later Loans Could Alter Credit

Expanding access to credit is a worthy goal. Too many people can’t get a mortgage or an emergency loan at a reasonable rate because they can’t show a solid credit history. They may pay more for insurance or make large security deposits to get utilities or rent an apartment. Recently, the three major credit bureaus…